RT @RJ_Pilot@twitter.com
On the ride home from work I was thinking about how motorcycle helmets would work for anthro animals and did a quick sketch.
I imagine you'd buy a base chassis that covers the head, then order it with a muzzle cap specific to your type of species. Might play with this concept....
I think today on Twitter I only posted one thing that wasn't a retweet, and it's a link to a YouTube music video.
So here it is! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8ql9lvJ0KE
re: Fat stuff
I won't lie, when I look at the really big plus-size models, I imagine myself with such a body, and on one hand it's such a heckin DESIRE, but on the other hand living with this kind of body sounds scary?
Honestly this is brilliant.
@ClipClopBoom My brain, yesterday, at roughly 1:30 AM: "You know what'd be a good idea? A timed race lap count visualization".
re: Lewd musings
@ClipClopBoom Yeah, I kinda forgot about the original game for a while, and then a couple days ago someone mentioned a sequel, and I was like "huh?"
re: Lewd musings
@Motodrachen @ClipClopBoom Fifty shapes of dick. 😉
Hello there!
I am Arina-Artemis. I come here in peace from @arina_artemis__ and @arina.
I'm a 28-years-old programmer, sci-fi & fantasy fan, LEGO player and general nerd.
I'm also fairly kinky with a big focus on transformation, BIG people (for various definitions of big, including macro and hyper), BDSM and mild mind control.
I consider myself #trans (#non_binary, probably #genderfluid), #plural and #otherkin.
Hope to have a good and long stay here!
RT @JibKodi@twitter.com
Some are subtle, some don't show, but it's there.
Racism is real.
The day when Black Lives finally Matter, that's one step closer to equality.
Programmer, lover of transformation and BIG cuties, lewd, kinky, affectionate.
Plural, otherkin, fluid.