@ripp_ FWIW my definition of story points aren't time based, but that hasn't stopped other people treating them as such :P
"Star Wars is decent but Steven Universe is next level." — Lil Nas X
See, he gets it!
(To everyone saying "this is just an enterprise policy": Look at the conversations in the bugs.
Somebody said, to the Chromium team, schools are using Google Forms for testing, and the kids can see the right answers in the forms, so to address that, we want to prevent students from reading source code.
And without an ounce of pushback, without so much as a nod in the direction that this might not be the right solution to this problem, the Chromium team said yes.)
RT @petrillic@twitter.com
This shouldn’t make me laugh quite as much as it does.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/petrillic/status/1458991720092233730
PSA: @may is very good and I love it very much. ⠸[💚️▲💚️]⠇
@typhlosion why you gotta call me out like that
@PsyChuan Depends where you go, really. North west England has some lovely water. The south, not so much.
@ripp_ It is a metaphor that being wealthy provides a level of social mobility and privilege that cannot be overcome no matter the skill of the other people involved.
@ripp_ There are still situations where floats and tables are the correct tool for the job, just not as many as there used to be