public transport opinion
Okay self-driving cars seem like a really good idea, but I don't think they're ready to use on the open roads yet. I'd suggest keeping them on a fixed route where no other vehicles can go to minimize risk of collision.
We should probably have fixed places where people can get on and off. The cars come in, open their doors, let people enter and exit, and then continue on their journey.
Speaking of which, we should probably also make them larger to increase efficiency and again, to minimize risk of accidents.
We could even couple several of them together into one combined vehicle.
And since they're only going on a fixed route anyway, it makes more sense to use steel wheels on steel rails instead of rubber on asphalt.
I know it's an outlandish concept, but I'm convinced it might work really well if we ever get to try it out on a large scale
@SwooshyCueb It's pretty wild how when you put someone whose supposedly real techy in front of a terminal they end up making the most stupid of mistakes.
Even I, who only has Linux experience from fiddling with RaspPi, found myself going "WHY ARE YOU DOING THAT!?" a lot.
@ripp_ I also never really learned how to ride a bike.
As per usual, I blame living in places with abundant public transportation most of my life.
@ripp_ A HTTP header to do that actually predates GDPR.
Luckily, I am entirely the kind of person to be bored enough to try and fix it!
…In XboxAhoy's art style, because originality is hard.
This tweet brought to you by deep cleaning my flat for the first time in like 2.5 years.