@ripp_ more to hug
I made a Discord server for furries who enjoy Star Trek, because that seemed to be a niche with no real dedicated community for it for some reason. Would be nice to see your faces!
@PsyChuan the first six words of this toot made me think it was going in a wildly different direction
@boobs_idiot @PsyChuan Why is Timothy Dalton's arm so large oh my gosh
@PsyChuan Same. A lot of folks in vexillology circles say it's really overdoing it, but I think it looks better than the standard six-stripe rainbow flag tbh
I wanted to find a use for one of the old tablets I had laying around, so it's on a seven year old Kindle here.
Source code for the aggressively curious: https://github.com/querkmachine/just-one-toot
At the very least, I can use it with my current iPad if I follow through on my plan of replacing it in the next couple of months. Does mean the old one goes unloved though :<
It's actually got quite a few painting weirdoes in it. My method of DOM manipulation might just be too much for it to handle.
@ripp_ You're welcome. :>
One of my favourite Star Trek: Voyager moments must be the episode where Q spends the entire time trying to convince Janeway to have sex with him, she consistently says “hell no” and eventually he just does it with another Q in front of her; and it turns out that it just involves touching fingers for a couple of seconds.
“Wait, that’s it?”
“You had your chance.”