@thefishcrow Boom. Now I'm happy and can go to bed.
@Gargron I've been a fan of NASA for so long, I'm down to be their friend with benefits.
Idea: a social network that *requires* at least 2000 character posts.
The discourse slowly becomes old school postal correspondence.
People start building up an erudite vocabulary, studying yellowed missives from the 18th century for ideas.
Every post begins with "To Whom It May Concern" and ends with "Your Eternal Friend" and a half dozen postscripts.
We could call it Snail Mail
@inmysocks The coyote still rotates in the profile. *So say we all*
@cypnk My god, there's a 30% chance I'm a beetle.
@esdin Neat!
I loved turning 30. I was tired of 20s, I guess.
"Academic studies and countless anecdotes make it clear that being interrupted, talked over, shut down or penalized for speaking out is nearly a universal experience for women when they are outnumbered by men."
He/him. I teach academic Hebrew-Bible studies in grad school, and like Korean martial arts & interactive fiction.
I am also @anummabrooke