Oh oh oh for good measure: they recently started using a webfont which contains a ligature which turns “No” unconditionally into №, rather than only the literal № character, so our favourite vegetarian burger place now sells the “Number Bull Burger”
like it would almost make me think it was a Nintendo of America development, except that the shape much more closely resembles the Super Famicom/European SNES shape? Maybe they wanted to design it once and split the difference? What an odd device!
I need to bring your attention to this gem of an internet web site: http://www.csoon.com/index.html
🙆🏻 Pronouns: http://my.pronoun.is/she
🐦 Twitter: https://twitter.com/ticky
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👀 See Also: @dog
🖼 Avatar: https://twitter.com/AlabasterPizzo
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