I need to bring your attention to this gem of an internet web site: http://www.csoon.com/index.html
like I get that this is more work, I really do, but the thought of responding with …that, and not with something like “I don’t currently maintain a changelog, but if you could help me get it started that’d be a good motivator to continue!”, you just might be an arsehole?
There’s a reason I have something like thirty thousand people blocked on here.
And now I guess the solution is just going to be “go private permanently,” which means the social aspect of Twitter is almost entirely moot.
Push notifications have been instant indicators of incoming waves of abuse which both myself, and others I know, have been able to use to lock down and avoid most of it. Now that’s just gone unless you use Twitter’s own apps, which are, frankly, awful, exclusively.
🙆🏻 Pronouns: http://my.pronoun.is/she
🐦 Twitter: https://twitter.com/ticky
🕚 Previously: @ticky
👀 See Also: @dog
🖼 Avatar: https://twitter.com/AlabasterPizzo
Cute queer cybersorceress ✨
Rad software maker 🖥
Aspiring nomad 🌏