oh, heh, I just remembered--while I was at the store I think I got my first attempted green-hair dis, from an older shopper.
them: your hair is very... striking!
me: thank you!
them: did you--intend for it to be that color?
me: oh, yes--although it's faded out a bit, I need to darken the green up some.
them: oh... oookay...
me: thanks! /cheery wave /wanders away
it didn't occur to me until afterwards that they were possibly trying to be rude/disapproving. XD
@leafnoodle @green I mostly just get the odd stares for having shockingly unnatural orange hair.
@emanate @leafnoodle I hope you get the occasional random positive comment! I think your hair looks fantastic. and it's always a nice surprise, about... oh, once or maybe twice a month, when a complete stranger says "oh wow, I love your hair!" :D
@green @emanate @leafnoodle I do get those comments too, yeah! :-)
@emanate @green @leafnoodle actually... you've seen what my skin tone looks like. If I *did* dye my hair, what do you think would be a good color? (I think I might be able to pull off really unnatural orange is why I bring it up.)