Hey! I'm Jesse. 20 years old, he/him, blah blah blah. Evil sjw, sick of twitter verifying fascist freaks. I like overwatch & furries.
@ghostpunx Welcome! In case you want to get ✅ here, the process is simple: edit your profile and put ✅ in your name! Awoo!
@Mycroft what's that mean? Is it like being verified?
@ghostpunx Some people wanted to be "verified" on Mastodon, after seeing checkmarks next to others' names. There's no verification here. It was just people literally putting a check in their displayed name. :)
@Mycroft thats cute!
@ghostpunx *waves* welcome to awoo space!
@vahnj your icons super cute! Hello!
@ghostpunx thanks! my personal icon was made by one of my mods, @thefishcrow! all the rest of our art is either default in Mastodon or made by @kyra!
@ghostpunx awoo!