@pan hweeeeeeeeee
@mawr gotta leave room to load up all those trackers following you around!!! :(
@pan yes, boosts are okay :) (didn't mean to mark that one private <_<)
hi #introductions i'm hvee here are facts about me:
* adventures all the time
* 30ish
* thoughts about gender (i'm Not Very Gender)
* what are people and am i actually a rabbit
* love yourself as much as you can and ask for help when you need to
* immigrant-raised american citizen
* computer science dropout
* can't believe words actually work
* i guess are these even all facts?
* i'll cw anything
* dogs are great
* i'm sad a lot but also really happy often
* hi! do you want to be friends?
@paralithode this is beautiful
@vahnj sleep tight!!
@green no but i want it to now
@typhlosion be good to yourself as best you can, friend 💜
@pan brains are hard and being a person is hard but i'm glad you're pan and that i get to see into your brain a little tiny bit once in a while like this <3
why i left twitter
@vahnj im so glad these things happened because it helped me meet so many good and supportive and kind people and that is worth letting twitter burn itself down
@paralithode O YES
@noiob cute filters and a ceaseless dedication to enjoying vanity
@typhlosion i let myself get a 3lb box of cheezits ONCE to keep in my office and it lasted me 3 weeks
i like dogs and big skies and rock walls and damp grass