@typhlosion @q_lum a really pretty and happy girl!!
@vahnj shit that's rad, imma have to try this when I'm on front of a browser again
@Sparrow gotta take what you can get!! we're hitting 40s at night now so even if the hi breaks 70, we're getting consistent cooling at night :3
@Sparrow aw yeah, that sounds like a good hike! fall is my favorite hiking season, I've been anxious for some cooler weather over here on the east coast :x
@Sparrow hi sparrow! I've had a rough day but I'm picking the pieces so i can still go to bed feeling alright. how was your hike??
#crazyidea : a Mastodon instance, where every new account is a random generated fantasy RPG character, and you'd be locked out of editing your name, pic and bio; all of which would comprise your charactersheet.
Followers and followees would be replaced by XP and level counters.
Bots would administer loot/magic items/weapons and other both would pop up to be random encounters or dungeon crawls or even story lines run by admin GMs.
MUD meet social web.
National Coming Out Day
I'm twelve rabbits in a magical steam-powered mech.
I'm a clockwork rabbit animated by alchemy.
I'm a really big plush bunny.
I'm a transcendus-in-training.
I'm autistic, queer, trans, and poly. I'm kink-positive, drug-positive, and post-gender. I'm a spiritual alchemist and a self-initiated mage.
You can be who you want.
You can be what you want.
You are allowed to change yourself to suit your desires.
I believe in you.
@jason not really polite to people who rely on screen readers or browse in text-only/no images, though :/
https://www.patreon.com/awoospace omg almost at the end of the month and almost to MONTHLY ART COMMISSION GOAL
i threw in a buck, please consider throwing in a buck with me c:
@paralithode what a pretty crust!
i like dogs and big skies and rock walls and damp grass