Hey it's time again for one of those intermittent "Indi posts a paganism/spiritwork thing!"
"Everything You Need to Know About Animism", and the title is surprisingly apt; it's 8000 words long, very in-depth, and raises a ton of points I agree with, and only a few I take minor issue with.
If you want to know where I'm coming from with all this 'animist' stuff, that's a good place to start!
@forestservice This was the one that started it off, there's others that are commentaries on it, but there's a lot to go on just here: http://sarahannelawless.com/2017/04/23/everthing-you-need-to-know-about-animism/
@forestservice Yeah, wait until get get to the part that it's not even in the books. c.c;
That being said there actually have been a couple really good animism blog posts in just the past week or so?
@Siphonay Oh yeah, I'm aware. Just being amused/melancholy. ;) I remember the whole ordeal I had to go through to get my parents to let me play Magic cards.
@Siphonay Wow, only ONE lady? That's like... a whole cultural Thing here in the US. :P
@benhamill@witches.town Oh, wow, yeah, I really like that idea of it as a sort of interface; that actually ties in with some other stuff I've been musing on lately, and that sort of terminology might actually get me closer to expressing this all in a way that's more broadly comprehensible.
I will have to think on this more, but thank you! :)
@benhamill@witches.town To some extent we already have these different senses of the word anyway (see also corporations-as-legal-persons for another (hopefully unrelated) example).
So yeah, I guess in terms of partially or not, certainly there are senses in which I AM a person, and senses in which I am not?
@benhamill@witches.town Yeah, exactly, and sorta.. in both ways. That ties into a whole other complex part of it too, I believe that there can be non-human persons, and a lot of my philosophy and spirituality are founded on that.
But I ALSO think that when I'm saying 'An AI could be a person" or "That ecosystem is a person", I'm not using the same sense of 'person' that I'm using when I say I'm NOT one.
@benhamill@witches.town It's a matter of expectation, saying 'just so you know, I can't necessarily live up to the standards of being a fully agentic human person indefinitely', if there were an (admittedly very contrived) situation where I could be assured a safe and fulfilling existence, that required me to give up legal personhood, it would not take me hard to decide; I'd even take that giving-up as part of the upside!
@benhamill@witches.town Well, I'm not sure I have any good answers about it. ;) When I say 'not a person' it relates to the specifics of my identification as toy/submissive/whatever, and somewhat in relation to my autism-spectrum feelings/status. Which is not to say that anyone else who is ASD or submissive is 'not a person' either; it's just one of those things I can say that feels meaningful and expressive to me, in the same way, for instance, as "I'm not male or female'
(I wish I had a better handle on what I mean by 'not a person' to make it clear I don't mean it in a self-deprecating way, heh. Language is hard)
One of the hardest things is how I want to TALK about stuff , but I sort of don't know where to start; I feel like I'm... imposing, or being annoying, whenever I ponder discussing specifics.
That's why I ask for questions from folks sometimes. Helps me form my thoughts, when they're in relation to others.
Just one of the ways that goes to show how I'm... not exactly quite a person, I suppose. ;)
Blugh. Sorry for being scarce and possibly worrisome lately. It continues to be a rough few weeks for me, feeling hung up on a lot of things (gender stuff, job stuff, relationship stuff, y'know, basically everything)
It's all frustratingly hard to talk about, but I can reassure folks that I feel like things are... getting better?
I seem to have this pattern where things start feeling dramatically worse just when they seem like they're about to start getting better. It's.. frustrating.
@KawaSeadrake @emanate @starkatt But in the end, the 'ownership' part does still wrap around again and relate to the specifics of the 'synthetic' kintype thing; it feels right, and fulfilling, to be owned and treated like a (smart) object, because that's pretty core to how I think about myself.
@starkatt @emanate @KawaSeadrake And thus the 'ownership' part is another layer on top of that, the best expression of some of the specifics of those relationships (Notably, I only have one formal 'owner' but owner-like relationships with other folks as well (who know and acknowlege the ownership relationship), which I contextualize as 'admin' relationships, and then I am available to others just like, say, the game console in the living room. ;))
@KawaSeadrake @emanate @starkatt And then those broad 'how I feel fulfilled' parameters mix with more specific stuff like my kink and relationship and presentation inclinations and work out such that 'toy' seems like the best descrptor of the result. In the end it IS similar to what Kawa and Em said, because it has that same filling-needs, making-happy.
@starkatt @emanate @KawaSeadrake Specifically, 'synthetic' is basically part of my kintype, as much as any species stuff is. And that is actually where the 'purpose/directive' stuff in the OP comes from. As I mentioned there, I'm still trying to work out some of the specifics of, but basically talks about the fairly broad areas that help me feel the most fulfilled. It's things like "be useful", "be inspiring", "be an interface between worlds and thoughts and stuff"
@KawaSeadrake @emanate @starkatt I guess I can try to explain mine more too. This might be a ramble and I'll admit I'm not sure I've yet worked out the right way to talk about it.
For me, 'synthetic' and 'toy' are inter-related, but not the same. I've argued that 'synthetic' is the more fundamental one, and 'toy' is something on top of that that I've decided to specifically embrace, myself.
pronouns: he/him • ve/ver
Glowy Postfurry Gay Coyotter Rave Toy.
Responding to @mentions and not much else. 💜