Anyway, that probably sounds more maudlin than I actually feel right now. Mostly I'm just feeling like a rather silly object right now, for letting something like that slip.
Also I guess have another piece of furry erotica to add to my "this book fundamentally improved my identity/worldview" list.
What does it say about me, about my needs, that I can forget for so long how important it is to be to embrase being a toy, being artificial, having a purpose, being useful?
But when I do finally remember, what does it say about me, the eeling of rightness and clarity and completeness and hope that returns to my life once I realize it was missing, and reach for it again, how easily the thoughts of what I was made for just come together in my mind.
@forestservice Yeah I got one of these last week myself. :\ *hug*
Aaaah I just noticed my first Mastodon PR got accepted today! \o/
Thanks @Gargron!
(And then we came up with a whole bunch of text changes throughout the rest of today. Oh well, more commits to come!)
@literorrery *hugs*
@Fuego Hyper-Light Drifter looks beautiful but it's not full of soft glowy animal people I want to make out with, so, yes. Different aesthetic. One that I like, but not the one I was talking about there. :)
@ElectricKeet @Fuego Well if we're talking pure aesthetics here, I LIKE pixels, but they don't actually push this particular button? Sorry. ^.^;
I mean don't get me wrong, if we're making a game I'm totally in, but.. yeah :)
Thoughts from a conversation in another venue:
MOBAs and Team Shooters seem to have ended up with a pretty clear shared aesthetic: Stylized, glowy, diverse morphology (read: Cool animal people and robots and stuff). This aesthetic is REALLY APPEALING to me, but I cannot play the games worth a darn. I wonder if this will ever spread beyond those genres.
Basically: When can I get a game with cute glowy furries that I can actually play? c.c;
Beltane offering, gathering, and ritual, with many awesome folks. Thank you all!
NEW CROSSED WIRES UPDATE! A twelve-page dive into Theresa’s shadowy past. [CW: real, actual violence! yikes!]
Read it from the beginning here:
OR, HEY NEW MASTODON READERS, read my queer cyberpunk hacker webcomic from the beginning here:
*gets a query about if I'm willing to talk about my experiences being NB-trans at $company to another trans UX person who's considering moving over*
"Oh cool I am recognized both as a designer and a gender-doer!"
*googles the other person, finds they are very much more impressive than me*
"I am a pile of unaccomplished garbage, please find me a bin to hide in"
@Fuego I like... almost kinda am? I mean, 'this story turned serious real fast' is... a thing they do. But this one was pretty fucking egregious.
@Fuego Yeeeeah, I found that really... concerning. :\
Gender stuff (no seriously, skip if you get tired of it lol)
@KawaSeadrake Hey for what it's worth I'm probably likely to be making inquiries about that whole chest issue before you do, so you might have at least one trailblazer. ;)
pronouns: he/him • ve/ver
Glowy Postfurry Gay Coyotter Rave Toy.
Responding to @mentions and not much else. 💜