@Oneironott @literorrery I mean, so did I, just to be clear. :)
@Oneironott @literorrery See and then I'm over here going "It's a nebulous feeling that self-assembles, it's a doing-word, I can't explain it"
@Oneironott @literorrery Then I must be bad at being postfurry. XD
@KawaSeadrake If nothing else, it's a feeling that lots of folks seem to have, we just happen to have a high concentration of folks who have named that feeling as "postfurry" :)
@KawaSeadrake Exactly! ^.^ Seriously, it keeps coming up; postfurry content being produced by all sorts of folks, and then clusters of folks going "wait is THIS postfurry?"
As I understand it, this is basically how furry fandom itself started, too. ;)
@KawaSeadrake Funny, I keep seeing it pop up in unexpected places with folks I don't even know. I mean, like, here tonight; 'the tribe' didn't start the conversation. XD
HEY Y'ALL BTW: i edited a queer-centric comic anthology based on the Tarot's Major Arcana recently, and we're currently running a Kickstarter to get it into print! We're only a paltry $202 away from our goal as of now, so please pre-order if you can and spread the word if you can't!
@indi it's me. i'm the one killing postfurry. sorry y'all i just wanted to make my fursona look like a wired magazine
@irisjaycomics The postfurry discourse never ends!
@binary @typhlosion (and of course:) Awooooo~~~~
@binary That's what aimless animal noises are for, right? Or, I mean, "Yip!"
@Fuego 80's movie references are killing postfurry 🔥 🔥 🔥
( 💜 )
@forestservice This is also 1000% more fun and less awkward than any postfurry convo I've had on birdsite too, sooo... 🎉
::cups ear::
@typhlosion I mean you already have a giant fire on your upper back right? ;)
::cups ear::
@typhlosion "Glowy rave-toy", check. XD
@typhlosion @shoofle Yeah, if anyone or any community tells you that they or their community has a lock on what postfurry is, run the other way fast, IMO. Same goes for furry in general, I'd say (And that's why I don't go to AC anymore. ;))
@typhlosion @Fuego "...And I have to work on it all day ANYWAY"
@Fuego @typhlosion Yeah I think @Fuego hates computers like a miner hates rocks: "There's too fucking much of it all around me and it could collapse and kill us all" ;)
@typhlosion @Fuego Hmm, that sounds like "doing postfurry" to me. ^.^
@typhlosion @Fuego Well, that's okay, arguably pokefurs are postfurry BY DEFAULT, see part 3 of my seven-part medium thinkpiece on the subject.
pronouns: he/him • ve/ver
Glowy Postfurry Gay Coyotter Rave Toy.
Responding to @mentions and not much else. 💜