Hi, I'm still here! Had a nice break-from-routine weekend where my owner was gone and everyone else in the house pretty much had nice cuddly offline social-times and game-playing. And now I'm feeling slightly overwhelmed by onlineness again.
I should probably eat some lunch.
How's everyone here doing?
CW: US History, the bad bits
@indi To be fair, it was historically a settlement due to the availability of water in the area. when white people decided to move in, it had already been abandoned by native americans, so nobody was forcefully resettled.
I'm not saying I'd want to live there, but, aside from the terribleness of the recent founder, it's not the worst place to put a city.
CW: US History, the bad bits
I read more. It gets worse.
If anyone else thought that outfti looks a little... Confederate Uniform, then, well, good job. 😩
He wanted to name the city Stonewall. 😩 😩 😩
And finally, "in light of the rebirth of a town after the collapse of the Hohokam civilization, the name Phoenix predominated." 🤦
(Ref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Phoenix,_Arizona#The_founding_of_Phoenix)
After having a semi-frustrating conversation centering around the livability of Phoenix Arizona, me and some friends naturally wondered: "whose dumbass idea was it to build a city in the middle of the desert anyway?" https://awoo.space/media/r0HB29GsgiU2O3WV9Es https://awoo.space/media/1n82hUGbGTdx-KzebwM
I can't stop looking at the new Night Physics.O.O
(link CW: drug use, fire)
@indi "help, chocolate, and hugs"
Ah, the three Mastodons,
- Furry, postfurry, otherkin
- Coyote, or coyote/otter (coyotter) or sometimes a few other things mixed in.
- Toy, usually plush, sometimes fancy-synthetic
- Queer, nonbinary, soft boy, twink
- Kinky, poly, deeply weird but sometimes shy about it.
- Pagan/animist/spiritworker
- UX/Design for job and sometimes for fun (like for Mastodon)
- Enjoyer of bulleted lists but unable to keep the bullets succinct
- Really love talking about any of the above or whatever else too.
The current goal is "get me settled somewhere in about a month that (a) is not Ohio, which yeah, is basically Death Sentence if i have to do it for more than a month (b) does not strain my relationship with Peggy by putting us both in a cramped UD apartment together.
Any assistance you can give, from apartment hunting tips to helping me shuffle into one of the local households, would be of immense value and reassurance. Frankly, I'm also willing to take outright charity at this point. :|
you know who deserves attention for a lot of design work done for Masto features? and will likely continue doing for Masto?
fae's a goodie
--> Here in the morning after, I find myself wanting very badly to bounce back from this, regain everybody's respect, set myself up in living quarters where I finally feel comfortable and connected, and maybe find some of the self-sufficiency I couldn't find at Transliminal (not for anyone's lack of assistance.)
I can't do this if the voices telling me I've fucked everything and I'm worthless win. Please stay with me and help keep me sane. I promise nobody will be asked to choose sides.
First time I've done it too. Way to make everyone's incredibly stressful morning even more daunting. Good Job Me.
(I'm fine, and can only give good hopes and hugs for others)
Good thing #2: Carlos Castaneda (wait for it) mentioned in the Suggested resources (bear with me here) as FICTION. Yes, good, 👍
pronouns: he/him • ve/ver
Glowy Postfurry Gay Coyotter Rave Toy.
Responding to @mentions and not much else. 💜