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It was pretty weird to see statements as seemingly self-contradictory as "I am a woman. I don't identify as a woman." I questioned why they opposed to the term. They said that they rejected gender as a whole, because gender was a socially-enforced construct that oppressed women.

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The thing that first got me into it was seeing women who insisted that they are not cisgender. This was... weird to me. To me and probably a lot of other people, cisgender is just the opposite to transgender—just as heterosexual is to homosexual and yin to yang.

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So hey, I've just spent several hours in the quagmire that is the comments section of a post about transgender issues. Let's talk about that.

(Note: This might get a bit heavy.)

Just dancing around my flat with headphones on miming to Lady Marmalade nbd.

Fun fact: I have a secret bat at work nesting in my cables.

Even if you have no interest or knowledge of Formula 1, Drive to Survive on Netflix is an incredibly good documentary on the sport.

Season 2’s fifth and sixth episodes especially really show the drama and humanity involved in it. I cried.

Random things I noticed going to work this morning:

* There are recycling bins everywhere! Where are these every other day of the year?

* No traffic noise = I can keep my tunes quieter = better hearing health.

* Traffic seems no worse than usual.

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I love a big protest day. The entire city is just so much more calm and relaxing.

It gives me a ton of faith in humanity to see hundreds of kids with placards already in town hours before the march even begins, too.

The traffic outside is basically at a standstill. Gridlock.

Nothing to do with a protest march or anything, that’s just what traffic is normally like.

Today we honour our historic national hero, Pam Cakes. May her sacrifice not have been in vain.

In fact I don't think my step-dad would have met them either. He would now, but only because he got educated and trained in his specific profession in the UK.

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You know, I'm pretty sure my mum wouldn't meet these proposed new immigration rules... and she works for the government.

Spent five and a half hours identifying and shooting down IE 11 bugs in a single login/registration page.

Please Microsoft, just shoot this browser in the <head> and have it done with.

There's a thunderstorm in the chat.

dumb dream I just had 

It was like one of those short promotional behind the scenes videos with clips interspersed with interviews.

They were making a modern day reboot movie of I.M. Weasel. The segment was about I.R. Baboon’s new backstory as an outcast, shunned by other baboons not for wearing clothes, but for his poor posture—which was described as “fish back.”

I.R. Baboon was voiced by Hank Azaria doing the Moe Syzlack voice.

Also they were rebooting Dexter’s Laboratory but in this one Dee Dee was also a genius with a secret lab; but still had an antagonistic relationship with Dexter because the type of science she did was “girly.”

Ah yes, that classic moviefilm: Marley, Marley and Me and Marley and Me.

work vent 

People who don’t know the technical aspects of how websites work shouldn’t be involved in specifying functionality for them. Yeah, your fancy form dialog selection screen thing is nice, but it’s also five to twelve hours more work than this perfectly viable other option that does exactly the same thing. :|

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