Very productive flight for how bumpy it was
I'll prolly write it up in the rule page tonight. Maybe
D&D geekery
Somebody set up a guide for programming using Magic Mouth. Brilliant, but... Why
@Leucrotta I love how the one setting the trap looks so damn proud of itself
@kobold wasn’t sure what might be good so here are some dragony ‘bolds booby-trapping a dungeon! I’ll get you an actual scan later, where should I send it please?
Pol joke
@noelle "boomer" >_>
@Leucrotta also lemme know how much you wanna charge for a page of sketches! Maybe like 15 or 20? Idk his much that would be, just lmk what you wanna charge and gimme a link
@Leucrotta doing whatever! I'm just down to commish a sketch page. Also do both! I love all kobolds
@masklayer COWS I mean sorry
@masklayer goats are to horses as cats are to dogs
@Leucrotta hello yes can I commission one sketch page of kobolds
@Leucrotta also, *offers hugs*
@Leucrotta ah that was me yesterday
hang in there, find something to keep you in the present if you can
@noelle at least as far as the original tabletop system goes (well, 2020, I didn't play cybrepunk 2011)