The Petaluma river was feeling photogenic the other day.
birbsite memes: VA-11 HALL-A edition
hey @HereticSoul did you see this one? :)
remembrance (-) [alc]
As a token for our friend who didn't make it, I bought a bottle of the only beer he ever found that he liked: a funky stout called "Dragon's Milk". Dude loved dragons as much as I did.
I'm going to open it up in a little bit in his honor.
We miss you, John.
end-of-2017 reflection (-)
There was also some not good parts:
- I watched a good friend's life crumble apart, and finally be taken by depression. That one still stings. A lot.
- Our local social circles have felt increasingly strained, not least because of the above.
- workstress & overall mood have completely destroyed the gym routine I'd built up over years. I miss swimming & weightlifting, they were doing a lot for me.
- & of course, all of the grand What The Fuck 2017 that happened.
end-of-2017 reflection (+)
There was definitely still some good parts:
- I finally dived into the furry thing after a full decade of being furry-adjacent! It's been super fun being a dragon, I'm glad I did it :)
- I had several relationships develop very positively, and they're continuing to go well!
- I met a bunch of really neat people (including all y'all over here!)
- I had a great time at quite a few cons.
- I got to visit Vancouver!
- and my hair was purple all year!
end-of-2017 reflection
2017 was a year of treading water for me, I think. Just...letting the time pass until I can change things.
I held down this job the whole time, because I knew that I needed to financially. I sat and watched uspolitics do all the shit they've done this past year.
And I kept going, and now we're here.
Super wolf moon on the 1st and it’s going to be year of the dog 2018 get here already
It’s really surprising that even though they call her a shapeshifter, she doesn’t have a human form and is just a dragon all the time.
Oh well. It’s probably for the better. I bet if she did they’d find some way to make it weird.
I’ve been playing a bunch of Fire Emblem Awakening after gave it to me, and would like to remind everyone that Nowi is the cutest seadragon and will also obliterate you.
An ace leafy seadragon tooting about.
Retoots lots of dumb stuff.
Interactions welcome.
Pronouns: they/he.
🔞💦🐉: @lewdnoodle