@Fuego @ElectricKeet There's an old legend -- it went around the AHWW circle ages back -- of somebody who shot a misbehaving VCR as a warning to the microwave to make it stop acting up.
Now, of course, my first reaction is "this is how you breed resentful gremlins that secretly want to destroy everything. Iron punishment may for Diane Duane, but not for me, not for me."
@literorrery @Fuego I literally have had a dream where I shot a malfunctioning VCR because it wouldn't stop grinding and flashing nonsensical stuff on its display even after I unplugged it.
In reality, however, I did once resuscitate a failing VCR by chanting nonsense at it for ten seconds and then giving it one good, sharp palm strike. Freaked Mom out somethin' fierce. I cherish that moment.
@ElectricKeet @literorrery as long as you totally understand the problem, literally anything can be the solution <3
@Fuego @literorrery Problem was that the thing was on its last legs after a decade of faithful service in an environment of extremely frequent use and abuse by a Disney-film-loving housewife and her two weird-film-loving kids. I gambled that I would either fix it or leave it inoperable, but either way it would stop trying to eat her favourite VHS tapes.
That was actually a good lesson. Save ultimatums for when one is ready to dispense with the target regardless, and be occasionally rewarded!
@literorrery @ElectricKeet @Fuego All-respect to AHWW for helping start... this whole thing we do... but yeah, that is a VERY AHWW-type story: shallowly-considered metaphysics meets machismo! ;)
@indi @ElectricKeet @literorrery it was uh... problematic.
@Fuego @literorrery At some point I'd love to pick your brains as far as deep otherkin history as manifested on AHWW and how it relates to other media and fandom streams.
@literorrery @Fuego For example, I note that both AHWW and WtA originated in 1992 and now I'm very curious, y'know, what the general feeling was about... all that.
@indi @literorrery That was def the first place I really encountered otherkin - I think just about everyone there considered themselves otherkin but the name didnt exist yet - also I could be misremembering - I was really young. Sis?
@indi @Fuego I wouldn't say everyone did. There was a pretty broad stretch between Lion Templin's "conterianthropy" (one spirit, one phase, integrated nature) to the shifters (one spirit in different phases, discrete natures) to the totemics (self plus big-a Animal-in-the-abstract) to the weres (self plus little-a animal-in-the-specific) to the animists (spirit is where you find or make it) and further versions I don't recall.
@literorrery @Fuego Huh, that's an interesting definition of 'animist' unless I'm just reading it weird. Was that their term?
@literorrery It's also interesting; I've heard more than one furry-leaning therian conceptualize their situation as 'contherianthropy' because it implied a fusion of the two, which seemed to go with an anthro form. But my reading of that had always been that contherianthropy implied 'no shifting', and I (for one) definitely feel that sort of phase-change sometime, it's just not to a 'natural animal form'. As always, there seems to be difference and nuance WITHIN terms too.
@literorrery @ElectricKeet well I already coerce them for a living. I had better keep them both frightened and at arms length.