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imgur is banning nsfw image uploads and purging all anonymously uploaded images. if you have anything previously hosted on imgur, back it up now.

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That people are taking ChatGPT seriously for coding tells you more about the state of software engineering as a discipline than it does about the state of machine learning as a technology.

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Tjoah wenn ihr ein #Jobrad habt das über MLF Mercator Leasing läuft hat einer der Dienstleister, genauer die Einhaus-Gruppe wohl eure Daten verloren.

"Bei den entwendeten Daten handelt es sich um übliche Stammdaten wie Namen, Anschriften, E-Mail-Adressen, Telefonnummern von JobRadlern sowie um Vertragsnummern und -laufzeiten (Beginn- und Enddaten)."

Falls ihr also komische Mails in dem Kontext bekommt, könnte es Phishing sein.

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urgent mutual aid, please boost 

hello! a friend of mine has just escaped an unsafe housing situation and been discharged from hospital but has nowhere to go from there. the hospital has said zhr can stay for a couple more hours but after that zhr is literally going to be on the streets.

zhr's in Wausau, Wisconsin, specifically at the Aspirus hospital. zhr's given me permission to reach out and make this post. zhr has a donation link up here, but a place to stay is needed:

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Just got this cool email and I want to make a few things clear:

JK Rowling is a transphobic cunt and TERFs can fucking die.

food discussion, specifically meat and fish 

idk I was always kinda not a fan of meat with like, bones or tendons or fishbones, I was always afraid of like, getting one stuck in my throat or sth like that. Not the reason why I stopped eating it but a nice bonus, only 🅱️oneless tofu for me

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yeah idk I don't eat meat or fish so

I don't think these questions lead to a useful result, like obviously I expect a restaurant to have hygiene standards but my friends can touch my food and I'll eat kinda old/blemished fruit and veggies

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“Dominion shouldn’t have settled!” say many Liberals who still pay Fox $20 a year through their cable bill.


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Erwähnung von Angst vor sexuellen Übergriffen, positiv-hoffnungsvoll wegen Überkommen dieser Angst 

Das war die Szene, die mir heute die Tränen in die Augen getrieben hat.

Natürlich ist das für mich alles nichts Neues, aber ich find’s furchtbar, dass das im Jahr 2023 unsere Science-Fiction-Utopien sind.

Und gleichzeitig führt es hoffentlich noch ein paar mehr Typen wie mir vor Augen, wie wichtig und wie wertvoll jeder noch so kleine Schritt dahin ist.


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lmao they actually managed to make new reddit look even worse

light grey on white is a great colorscheme (if you don't want people using your website)

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And it's late nights, and it's Game Boys
And it's too bright and it's synth noise
And it's Charli and it's milkshakes
And it's Carly and it's heartbreak

fuck this isp router/modem, it does random bullshit every second day now :/ today a reboot fixed it but it's still annoying as heck

oh heck I completely missed mainline Masto finally not removing information from incoming posts anymore

check your disk encryption, unless you set it up recently it might be insecure

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