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Your particular enjoyment will vary wildly based on how much you enjoy weird-ass magical wuxia fights vs how much you can stomach the Song nationalism/filial piety bits.

But if that tradeoff works out then you get a cast of some of the most theatrical wacky characters getting into escalatingly ridiculous setpiece gimmicks, sitcom hijinks and competitions.

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I'm really enjoying reading Legend of the Condor Heroes. After like, watching a *lot* of 60s-modern wuxia media, it's where a lot of the recurring beats seem to come from (or, been popularised by).

It is nothing like Lord of the Rings, but I can see why that specific comparison gets made in terms of cultural impact.

@Vordus What does it need power for? (genuinely curious, I only know the 'like a blindfold, but.. a bit comfier' sort)

@anne I poked around the Steam Forum, and it looks like you can resize dialogue, but not UI or descriptions on items/etc.

The Thunderbolt Fantasy films have backstage bloopers & just wide angle shots showing performers yeeting a puppet across the set for a leap or something, and it's so good

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All movies should have either a blooper reel or a full-cast singalong at the end of the film

re: wrestling, Chikara 

Just watched a show and it had:

Chuck Taylor (now AEW) & Johnny Gargano (WWE) vs Orange Cassidy (AEW) & Drew Gulack (WWE)

And really weird "Oh wow, I know all these guys from right now" vibes. 13 years ago they were still really good, gosh.

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wrestling, Chikara 

Coping with the loss of AEW Dark by acquiring vast amounts of Chikara I never got to watch before

and gosh

Chikara was so good

Also it's amazing how many current top-billing wrestlers are there (either looking eerily young, or dressed as ants)

literally the only thing I remember from that book is "Pope's got horses like nobody's business"

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People say that reading The Prince is pointless, but yknow what? I read it as a teenager, and I've never mounted a pitched battle against the Vatican cavalry

Not once


Watching through the King Of DDT tournament, and it's heartening to see a wrestling audience with a 5:1 ratio of women to men

Also not-news but gosh Yukio Sakaguchi & Chris Brookes are very good

@siege envious EDS noises from deep within a mechsuit of joint braces :P

@niss that's a pretty existential question for a captcha

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