Language, Abuse CW
It's incredible the amount of people who use "gaslighting" as a fun quirky word for "lying", who don't realise they're on the level of a 2008 gamerbro going "You got raped in that last match, bro! Triggered much??"
Just read this new article on how 'Capitalism Is Gaslighting You', and this hilarious tweet about 'that time the barrista at Starbucks gaslit me by giving me dairy-free milk in my coffee'
Istg the only difference is it's gone so mainstream that people don't even think they're being edgy anymore. It's just been uncritically appropriated as part of the general lexicon.
@Tanatoes looks great!
@variance Plot isn't the most important thing. A lot of the time I find it depends a lot on what expectations I've gone into the media with, and genre and stuff inform that a lot.
Like, a gaping plot hole in a murder mystery would bother me more than in a psychadelic fantasy thing.
Eye Tracking Mouse Alternatives, Accessibility, Disability Stuff
Oooh. Spent the past month or so trying to adjust to using eye-tracking for my mouse stuff. Started off with Talon, but it's like the head/eye control are constantly wrestling with each other for control.
Precision Gaze Mouse is way better for it at the moment, I think. It does require 3 programs running at the same time, but immediately more stable to use. and less spontaneous crashing. Very glad I went back and tried the older software, very glad it's still on the web.
@variance That sounds way better!
I guess the NHS wouldn't pay out for the cool ones.. :P
@variance *staring down at anonymous tiny white circles*
I've been cheated of something important here. ;-;
What is e supposed to look like?
@anne the touching story of a gentle marine giant plagued with chronic temporomandibular joint pain
Rarely ever do I get the opportunity to say "I found this great music through wrestling"
So I will embrace this opportunity to say TMDK's theme (Young Punks by Mass Lines) is an *excellent* track and has been playing on repeat in my head for a while now.
erasure lols
"You're not really ace, you just drink too much soda."
"You're not really 'immune' to caffeine, you just haven't drank the right coffee yet."
"You know, your heart starts to race, you feel all tingly, your chest feels tight and your thoughts are going a million miles an hour."
[Smiling and nodding politely] Sure, yeah, of course.
@kitschette me too, me too
From watching a mix of both this week, I think wuxia films are closer to fantasy-adventure than to kung fu movies, but they get lumped together a lot in Western release because "Chinese film with fights in".
It would be like if Lord Of The Rings was marketed as a HEMA martial arts movie, and got a reception of "There's 5 minutes of cool sword and bow stunts, but then they walk around a forest talking about jewelry for the rest of the film, 1/5"
It's a completely different set of expectations.
@siege @AudreyJune @Sleepytimeteabear Oh gosh, I hadn't looked at the Delia*s stuff before
This is very me
@noiob it's so good!!
re: hot take: Going off about Transgender Language
@siege Yeah, the whole "sex and gender are separate, sex is physical and gender is psychosocial" thing as 'trans friendly' is something I've had to pull up cis friends about.. It's regurgitated 2nd wave feminism that boils down to just being plain old essentialism in another wrapper.
This is a graffiti-free zone.
Vandals will be ~PASTELBAT~