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i'm so sorry i post so much i'm so self-conscious of it now after all that bullshit with curator

but uhhhh where does everyone else post their art,, i don't wanna just post it here n spam the local even more

boost this if you think it's not ok to try to climb onto someone by clawing into their nipples

trying to prove a point to my cat

i lied one more thing re: curator 

like if i went to literally ANYONE ELSE and said "i slap my art on the table. (user) nods approvingly and slips it into their pocket" they would understand it as a shitty mafia-jabbing rp joke

instead i get called an ass and told my tone is "aggressive" lmao the only kind of person that says that is someone that is HORRENDOUSLY out of touch with the present generation of artists and internet users in general. go spend time on tumblr old man

anyway on a further note re: curator 

learn to understand internet humor you asinine jackoff lmao

anyway i'm sorry for like Adrenaline Posting + hewwo to all my new followers,,, i'll re-post some art later im just way too buzzed on emotions rn and still waiting on my God Damned Sandwich

am i allowed to put something mildly hostile in my profile abt A Particular Not-Awoo Admin or will i get in trouble

in other news doordash is deciding to bring me my subway from the food court at the mall, as opposed to the physical subway location that's about equidistant and less of a hassle to get into

still mad but waiting on a sandwich catter bought me 

like... i understand if i did do something wrong? but if you can obviously see i haven't been around in a few months that Hey, Maybe I Forgot Shit and a gentle reminder was all that was needed and i would have deleted the offending "spam" posts

instead i get called an ass and told to delete my account, and now my gf and i are being stalked by this cocksure administrator that doesn't seem to have had a single positive emotion in their life

hey can we get curator out of here since they're now apparently harassing my girlfriend here despite nobody tagging them here + me blocking them

also i blocked curator on here too bc i saw they liked another of my posts and i'm just way uncomf rn, they're also apparently claiming _i_ deleted my account when i absolutely did not + deleted the thread where that exchange happened

actually i'm super sorry for "spamming" and @noiob have mercy on me but i think everyone needs to see what curator said to me since they apparently went and deleted my account anyway

bitchin and cryin 

mostly just actual crying bc i was so excited to post on these sites again but now i'm just gonna leave
like holy shit if you think anyone that types like me is just an "ass" and is unprofessional then you need to take a trip around the internet before you open your mouth, especially when you're literally the head of a server

god why did i even bother with this who the fuck was gonna follow me anyway

the curator for just called me an ass and told me to delete my .art account because i got excited about posting my art and then was asking abt account migration

anyway i drew @leafnoodle 's oc as a patreon commission and for once i'm actually happy with the shading on it,, i usually never do shading bc it frustrates me

hey... help my friend get their top surgery?? they only have a few months to get the money otherwise they gotta push the date back further and it could be months or years

fingertips are going numb when i draw, that's... probably not a good sign

hey... help my friend get their top surgery?? they only have a few months to get the money otherwise they gotta push the date back further and it could be months or years

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