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it's nice to have a job again but it feels like my body doesn't want me to
i've got an infected callus between my toes now from all the walking, my back still hurts (and it's been about a month)
i just want to be functional

@leafnoodle​ im crying thank u dont let me forget ur sketch next cycle ok


why does my back still hurt it's been two weeks what did i do why can't i fix it

do you ever just get a real bad vibe abt someone when you see their art style

tfw you call HR over something and they actually take your side and say your complaint is absolutely valid


bein mediocre at art means you can draw all the gift art in the world but you'll still have to hold people at gunpoint for a $10 commission


boy its real fuckin fun when all ur friends are doin rp stuff and they aren't including you

nsfw tmi probably 

sometimes you just wake up with the inherent desire to sit on a dick

The difference in details of gender transition can be really fascinating. For instance, trans men shed their skin twice a year while trans /women/ molt a portion of their plumage seasonally. Enbies burst into flame and are reborn from the ashes, but the frequency is highly variable.

incest mention ??? not actually the topic, i'm ranting about someone 

when 90% of someone's social media posts are them complaining abt incest in fandoms / reposting similar content its like...... is there any other facet to your personality or do i gotta deal with seeing the same shit on my feeds 30 times just because it's literally also part of your fucking username

please find something else to post about holy fucking shit we get it you hate incest post some memes or something

had my work training today and start For Real tomorrow,, i am anxious but also ?? excited?? mostly bc money


i figured out how to describe how i feel as an adult that has been dealing with suicidal thoughts since high school

i’m ten years past my expiration date

i drew my sona earlier, which is like... an extreme rarity bc i usually can't stand drawing myself in any shape or form

disappointment, pet stuff 

honestly if one more friend tells me "hey adopt this cat i'll pay for the spay/neuter/etc" i'm gonna tell them "okay do it right now" bc i'm really fucking tired of that promise falling through and me being too much of a good person to just put the cat back outside

having a nsfw giggle 

i just like pokemon i didn't mean to alert the inflation fetish community

y'all are silly have a good day ok

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