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Send an AWOO to someone you care about today. It's like a power-hug!


Alright you lovely people, stop being so interesting, I'm literally wasting my entire workday.

I'm all out of faith
This is how I feel
I'm cold and I'm ashamed
Bound and broken on the floor
You're a little late
I'm already torny on main

If you livestream yourself shaving your entire head you're getting shorny on main.

If you're upset at these jokes, then you're getting scorny on main.

@Nystre It happens frequently, especially when birdsite does something egregious, but I'm not sure what they did to cause the migration this time.


If eating metal gives you magic powers you can be mistborny on main.

The Joke: welcome to Mastodon, here's your fursuit and your copy of Das Kapital

Reality: welcome to Mastodon, here's your six alt fursonas, a copy of the Anarchist's Cookbook, an eight-week course on the programming language of your choice, a tarot deck, some brand spanking new hormones, and a complex geometric sigil you should memorize that will turn into a neural counter-virus so that when the Singularity finally hits we can make sure The Straights don't claim it for themselves

And if you complain about how you just fell down and it really hurts you can be sore knee on main.

If you starred in Alien, Aliens, and Galaxy Quest you can be Sigourney on main.

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