My #brand: I hope you like derivative jokes and existential crises!
@BinaryVixen899 It's Relatable Content™️
@Nystre *affirming nod*
@Nystre It happens frequently, especially when birdsite does something egregious, but I'm not sure what they did to cause the migration this time.
The Joke: welcome to Mastodon, here's your fursuit and your copy of Das Kapital
Reality: welcome to Mastodon, here's your six alt fursonas, a copy of the Anarchist's Cookbook, an eight-week course on the programming language of your choice, a tarot deck, some brand spanking new hormones, and a complex geometric sigil you should memorize that will turn into a neural counter-virus so that when the Singularity finally hits we can make sure The Straights don't claim it for themselves
@kakyoin aren't we all
kink questions, petplay
@Kuroko I've been gatherin' mah courage.
Blaseball OC accidentally became my entire personality & then Blaseball died. Oops.
Genderfluid, so technically your new favorite MILF. My pronouns are whatever make you feel gayest.