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(talking to a barista) could i get a caramel mAcHiNaTiOn?

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(this thought is brought to you by trying to do linework in pencil crayon, doing experimental coloring with gel pen, extremely disliking the result, and not being able to play around with it at all to find out what would work better)

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sometimes people tell i should try to draw in more permanent mediums because committing to lines and being more okay with drawing badly helps with being creative

but i find in practice the opposite seems to be true?

like, being able to erase and experiment with 90 different things quickly has been a lot more informative and fun for seeing what works, and what doesn't

if i try to draw with things i can't tweak, i just draw worse and try less since each experiment takes so much more effort

hee. i got some gel pens a while ago, and i'm still figuring out how to use them tastefully

it's nice being able to have more bold colors for lines though!

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doom wad that replaces all of the death sounds with the wilhelm scream

when splatoon 3 drops, if ranked is still locked behind level 10, maybe it would be nice to host a little "get to level 10" party~

i super-love the idea of just hanging out with pals during a new game launch and helping everyone get to that point

anyway, fennel continues to be a super-cool language that i like lots, so it's cool finding excuses to use it more

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oh, and if you are curious about the faces i drew in literally 5 seconds in mspaint because i needed something to test with, here they are!

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the magic is that resuming a coroutine just jumps right back to the place i yielded from, so i can break this coroutine into tiny pieces that get rendered every frame

meaning, i only ever need to interact with it in once place after making it; it's completely self-contained!

(i wonder how this compares to how scheme continuations work?)

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this is what the closure actually looks like if you're curious!

(i named it .clj because github doesn't recognize fennel)

basically, every tick, the coroutine to render a single line of dialogue resumes with a new time in scope, and based on that, renders a subset of text

after it renders a full line, it continues to a new yield loop to render the bouncy triangle at the bottom to note you can progress

and when the coroutine finally finishes, a new line takes its place

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this is the *entire* code to use this

render-text literally is just a coroutine closure that gets resumed every tick, and automatically handles how to render it based on the current time

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small victory: i managed to implement a love2d dialogue textbox system in fennel using only coroutines

oh! i'm not sure how many emacs peeps follow me, but i finally updated Archemacs' readme so that it would be easier to setup for others~

i tend to try and stick pretty close to the defaults, so the end result is really light, and i use tangling to trim support for things you don't have installed making it even lighter!

the end goal is basically having a really light emacs that looks good (i use doom's dracula style), but also has a lot of modern niceties

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