a kobold magic user wearing their familiar pseudo dragon like a sexy fashion piece
@FragileVal i think i've finally found a reason for Alrick to get a familiar!!!!!
@vahnj I think I heard somewhere that D&D warlocks are essentially Stand users, so all I can think about personally is smol kob with big Stand~
Familiar as fashion is super compelling too tho!
@vahnj how about a v.smol kobold mage riding their enlarged familiar like a mount?
@vahnj https://www.patreon.com/posts/479981
Or just kobolds riding weasels in general. https://awoo.space/media/hOegv63mvGYfCEv6Yc0
@vahnj I'm pretty sure i've seen this with teifling and dragonkin character sheets...
@vahnj I'm so delighted by these kobold scenarios (the D&D campaign I play in has a shadow party of adventurer-cosplaying kobolds. It's the best)
@antifuchs good stuff!!! Though kobolds can be actual adventurers to hahaha
@vahnj indeed!! We play them when we don't have quorum to continue the campaign - the kobolds are way more badass than the regular party, too (:
@vahnj I am so for this, omg, confident fashionable kobolds with dangerous magicks