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Because it's the season, y'know what?

I'm thankful for you. For *you*. Your existence, your sheer weirdness, your wonder and beauty. By being so uniquely you, you make the world a little more different, more novel, more fascinating

Thank you for being here. Thank you for continuing.

Thank you. 💜

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Thanksgiving is upon us. Many of you are looking upon the day with dread, I know. Please know: you are not alone. You are not the only person who feels alienated when they're around family. You're not the only one who is dealing with judgmental, bigoted, prejudiced relatives.

That is not to attempt to lessen your struggles; they are valid! But you're not alone! You have a whole support network here. Be strong and pull through!

:goblin: 💚 :hacker_u:

turkey day outreach 

Here I am, being an unexpectedly squishy, squeaky, saccharin source of support again. If you are observing the holiday and are needing a break or a vent from the activity--feel free to hit me up, even if we've never directly conversed before.

I'll probably be happy to have the distraction. My Discord is in the profile.

Have a lovely day, all.

aural stimulation 

No? Fine..._I'll_ do it.

Invictus by William Ernest Henley

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aural stimulation 

Following on the previous accent challenge, I wonder if anyone would be up for recording themselves reciting prose or poetry...

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@green blep is when the tongue is just out, mlem is the sound of licking

no towels 

While this proved sufficient for most frontal drying needs, I had to proceed with whipping my back with them like some ascetic flailing himself in order to reach all areas adequately.

And yes, it looked about as ridiculous as it sounds.

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no towels 

It was not until after my shower, when the previous towel had already been relegated to a dampened floor, that I realized that there were no fresh towels available.

Still dripping, I reached into the closet, hand finding purchase on soft, towel like material, and extracted...

...two small, black hand towels.


This is Comfort Dog. Comfort Dog knows you are trying to be sad by yourself and won't allow it.

Damn you, Comfort Dog.

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A friend of mine just asked how my day was going, and my response was

"Like a clown car on fire barreling out of control towards a fireworks factory"

That mental image has just dramatically improved my day. XD

*honk-a honk-a AWOOGA*


Spouse is laughing at my disposable flip-flops and gray-painted toenails--resultant from my day at the spa.

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Current gender; male but hey, let’s not get carried away here, it’s just a thing.

gender agender 

Last boost: Now that I'm a bit more established, I wanted to bring this up again--hope you will forgive this self-serving regurgitation, but I am genuinely interested in any additional feedback.

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gender agender 

Throwing this out there for any honest input and hoping I don't regret it.

Where is the line (or vast DMZ) between 'agender' identity and just typical dissatisfaction and guilt over culturally expected and imposed norms for one's assumed gender? Are there any distinct qualifiers between "I am not this" and "I feel guilty?"

Asking for a friend.


toot and nail
eye for an eye, toot for a toot
by the skin of your toots
through gritted toots

MastoAccentChallenge, late late entry 

Late submission and late in day voice.

Prepare your aural orifices for utter disappointment.

commissioned art, FA links, TF 

A TF sequence and a short follow-up series I commissioned from Ficus (Malificus) on FA. May not make a lot of sense if you don't know the "Demon Parasite" lore she has created, but still a poignant work if you look beyond the metaphor.

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