NSFW, Glow, Inflation, Void Dragoness Sam
Anyway... I suppose I should share the positive stuff too..
FA link for those wanting the source.. attaching low rez to this post.
MH neg Family
So... of course tonight is another night of drama... because like... things are okay here... and I'm really happy because I just got a commission I've been wantinng for almost half a year.. please note it was only commissioned in Jan... I just have had a specific idea from a specific person and it turned out wonderful and the artist loved doing and got tons of much deserved complements from some of the other big name artists they stream with often on it...
20 minutes after they send me the finished pieces... my mom calls me sobbing because my little brother has been arrested for two armed robberies... one we know where he was during it but supposedly his truck was there.
The other... happened during the 24 hours he was missing... and the police refused to look for him... and my mom rescued him from a gang because after they took his phone didn't turn it off and she insisted when she got it to help him with work that it have tracking enabled.
So after he had been missing and unreachable she pinged a few times, the police wouldn't show up... so she and her husband showed up at the gps location... and watched him being forced to sell drugs at gunpoint for 2 hours... before he was 'let go' and his truck 'returned' completely stripped of anything easily removed without disabling it.
The shit had been beat out of him and eventually he confessed to my mom he had been doing crack with a former friend of his that got a job at the same temp position he'd been working for the last 3 months he'd been sober..
His friend had also OD in his car while my brother was at a clinic getting his methadone a week before this.
So his buddy and him went to some place is buddy suggested to score... and they held them both at gun point, stripped and beat them and tied my brother to a chair and interrogated him because his 'buddy' was apparently a known informant and they thought my brother was one too.. supposedly. My mom saw how badly beat up he was... and saw them forcing him to deliver several suit cases to various cars at gun point.
Eventually his truck showed back up in the hotel parking lot and my brother was shoved in to the passenger seat of his truck and left in it with his hands zip tied behind his back. He had bruises and cuts on his wrists and ankles from what look like over zip ties..
Of course my mom has been terrified about talking to the police about this because they have his phone and probably everything it... and his parole office was down his throat.. because he hadn't called, or checked in... despite him calling on my mom's phone, in front of my mom and telling him they needed to talk and that he didn't have his phone anymore and to call her...
Why the fuck is my family so fucked? So... my mom calls me as I'm trying to leave to get dinner and take Aurora to work.. and after 15 minutes I have tell her that I can't keep talking, I have to go... it's 9pm... I've not had dinner and I need to take my partner to work... and she is just sobbing... and I feel like shit.. .still.
re: MH neg
Housemate just got a look at their food too and it is wrong... so we got someone else's order completely..
MH neg
Just fuck tonight... so much. Not enough that I get in a fight with partner that leaves me in tears... no
fucking doordash has to massively screw up an order that arrives late, so late that basically nothing is open... and my food is literally inedible by me.. oh and their website fails to load the help the page when I open it to request a refund. So I gueess... it is canned soup and trying not to cry again tonight.
@kistaro Everyone should have one!
re: NSFW Glossy, Glow, Dragon
@Leucrotta Yup, Oksara did a wonderful job with it!
@IrisKalmia It is... I may have to steal it!
re: kink callout
@IrisKalmia This would be the 100% ideal outcome.
re: kink callout
@IrisKalmia Sooooo not my fault... I mean... it is totally nonsensical and definitely very huff worthy. Can we please get to a crazy body modding future already? I'd like inflatable, fuckable silicone dragon tits bolted on.. like yesterday...
re: kink callout, lewd musing, bodyweird kink
@IrisKalmia Oh my~ Those thoughts went delightful places~
@IrisKalmia @kelseyhusky I'm with you there.
@kelseyhusky pour out for AIM
re: Laptop stuff
I'm also not sure I could go back to 1080p on a 14-15" display... but 1080p 144hz displays are all the rage on gaming oriented laptops... I rather like my 3k display for regular stuff...
Laptop stuff
So... I need to replace my -not- laptop 2014 Razerblade 14" which I have a ton of regrets about. It hasnt had a working battery in 18 months. One of the fans died and the second is on its way out and they can't be replaced without solder work.
I need some one to talk me out of shelling out for something like a MSI G65 or Gigabyte Aero 15X.
Like... I can afford it... but I have a gaming rig. That is only barely showing its age because I want to do 1440p 144hz gaming and my 1070 is not up to the task.
So in theory in I could not buy a beefy laptop and buy something like a RTX 2070 for my desktop... but then there are the few times I travel for work... or visit my folks... but really.
What do I want? Something in 13-15" range... sub 5lbs.
Dedicated gpu, 16GB of ram min, and at least 512GB of Nve storage.
Aside from the thermal issues killing the battery I really loved my razerblade 14" for the first 2 years I owned it.. I still love the form factor but I'm not willing to dump 2.5k USD on something that starts falling apart in a 2 years. Plus from some reading they have some serious QC issues... still with their laptops.
Ugh... first day after getting more than 5 hours of sleep... in 3 days... and got a whole 8 last night... but today... I'm exhausted... and dizzy. Standing up is causing serious vertigo.
Thanks body..
At least I'm not oncall... but I might call in sick tomorrow...
IDK... got a little bit of critical work done laying in my bed but I really... really want to nap.... and WHY THE FUCK ARE ALL THE INSTRUCTORS FOR THESE AWS TRAINING VIDEOS SO MONOTONE THEY ARE PUTTING ME EVEN MORE TO SLEEP!
@kistaro @jvrrxk@weirder.earth
Hehehe! Glad to hear it!
That definitely seems like a good reason to push against those feelings. There are definitely some very good artists in the fandom for that sort of subject though! Go for it! It gets easier after the first time!
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Pronous: She/They/Them-THEONESWHOARE!!!!!