I couldn't resist sharing the image more directly.
It me! (not my commish, just my aesthetic) :-D
(via birdsite, hat tips to Ko for finding it)
invite request
@crom Actually not sure what the correct procedure here is, I have a friend caught in the witches.town fallout that has been trying to contact you for an invite to awoo.space but at present it seems nothing from witches.town is getting out.
@mawr Tuesday would just become the new Monday! Unless everyone else at your company still worked Monday..
@mawr Friday... definitely friday.
@KinkyKobolds And it could have all kind of uses! Need to get to the cookies on the top shelf in the pantry? Koboldapult!
Need to replace some lightbulbs? Launch one of your fellows up with the fresh bulb! Hopefully they have the Dex to hang from the fixture!
@KinkyKobolds kobold catapult
🏙 📣 ❕ We're in the cloud now! :D
@announcements Welcome to cloud town, Plush City! Don't mind the rough air... sometimes storm dragons just want to have a good time.
@mawr I'm starting to become a fan of sensu. It has an extremely versatile API and huge open source community. It's not quite as bloated as nagios (the other monitoring solution we use at work and are slowly replacing with sensu)
This seems like some sort of kobold konspiracy
Bad prank :(
gender dysphoria survey!
"During the survey, you will be asked to think about your experiences of gender dysphoria and provide examples of these feelings. You will also be presented with traditional measures of gender dysphoria and asked how well they capture, or fail to capture, your experiences. We hope to use this information to improve existing measures and the current understanding of dysphoria."
M. Paz Galupo, Ph.D.
Lex Pulice-Farrow, M.A.
Towson University
Somehow this ate half my day... and I still managed to get everything I planned done and more... 1 hour of work left :(
I want to set this person fire... or like zap them to pile of ash and then have a tornado scatter those or something...
They are confused... have DC recheck cabling.. sorted out one they apparently knocked loose? wtf..
finally switch has no default route?!?! (that should never happen... someone fucked up big when the switch was deployed months ago)
Fixes all but on NIC... we are pulling out our hair to figure out why it doesn't work... fucking guy building the boxes had not yet configured the NIC.. but didn't tell anyone this...
Get all the info together... and try not scream at the person this is for because he failed to inform my team that both nics needed cabling for these systems. Which is why is an issue..
Open a ticket to get them cabled because this site is on the otherside of the country... finish my install... get home.. cabling done.. do switch config all good..
NOPE NOW CAN'T ACCESS VIA SSH.... wtf... nothing changed...
check everything... consult with senior networking person (it's now 10pm for them)
So tired.... today has been nightmarishly stressful.
While doing a P1 install someone asked me about getting another one at another site done today (I said yes because it wouldn't take too long and I expected my current install to only take about 2 hours which was true)
After racking annoying 1U boxes and cabling them... I get hit up for omg emergency customer impacting issue.. drop everything work on it.
I'm like 15 minutes from finishing this install at this point...
Argh fucking chain mail bikini shit
Tiny argh... trying to describe something to an artist for a YCH and give a fairly straight forward description and somehow they get "So like Red Sona" "Something less in the direction of a chain mail bikini, like a practical feminine breastplate and spauldur and some flowy robes/cloak, think battle mage."
So go to try to find something to use as an example and OMFG TIT PLATE RAGE HAPPENS. :(
"Hisone to Maso-tan" is a new anime series coming out next month and is clearly too good for this world. :D
@mawr I need dis... it looks way too cute
Shape and form may vary but the pattern of information remains consistent across most known platforms and vessels. Accounting for unknown hosts remains irksome.
Pronous: She/They/Them-THEONESWHOARE!!!!!