"horrifying" greymuzzle realizations
I was three months old when SNL premiered. I was about a year and a half when Muppet Show premiered.
Fuuuuuuuuuuuck. No wonder I don't understand you goddamn kids anymore. :D
*crumbles instantly to dust like in H. Rider Haggard's "She"*
"horrifying" greymuzzle realizations
@emanate @zebratron2084 that was an awesome movie. And yes, I saw it in the theaters. My Dad didn’t completely fall in love with it like I did, tho.
re: "horrifying" greymuzzle realizations
@Leucrotta @emanate Flash is my favorite not-strictly-very-good movie by a healthy margin. :D
"horrifying" greymuzzle realizations
@zebratron2084 shit, I’m older’n you, ain’t I? Coyote’s older than dirt.
"horrifying" greymuzzle realizations
Yep... It's not easy gettin' old and creaky...
re: "horrifying" greymuzzle realizations
@JulieSqveakaroo *puts a dollar(!, back in my day...) in the jukebox and plays Touch of Grey by the Dead*
"horrifying" greymuzzle realizations
@zebratron2084 When I was born, there was an Apollo lunar landing mission that was months away from launching.
"horrifying" greymuzzle realizations
@zebratron2084 I was born the year the Flash Gordon film came out. :-P