@Ulfra_Wolfe@witches.town @KawaSeadrake Trade-in, nothin'. Mind if I add your name to my class action suit against the Prime Mover?
@zebratron2084 @Ulfra_Wolfe@witches.town @KawaSeadrake Aw hells yes, I got more parts that need replacing than parts to replace the parts that need replacing with.
@Momentrabbit @zebratron2084 @Ulfra_Wolfe @KawaSeadrake ... this is NOT why we got you the 3d printer, Moment...
@KawaSeadrake @Ulfra_Wolfe@witches.town
(Hey @Momentrabbit, I know bunnies got their own legal system, but you want in on this action? <3 )