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re: job opportunity for people w/Asian language skills 

Be warned that the above opportunity is only a dream job if, like me, there is SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOU and your idea of a good time was already spending 6-8 hours a day on Wikipedia. :D

It's a tough job. We have a 40+ page set of guidelines just for the BASIC tasks, and lots of people wash out on the training process. It is SUPER nitpicky work with a lot of ambiguity. It requires constant lateral thinking and a thick skin for (polite and fair, especially on MY watch) criticism.

But if the Full Data Nitpicking Lifestyle still sounds appealing to you, even knowing this job has broken lesser people -- but obsessive freaks like me at least love/hate it -- let's get you in touch with my boss.

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job opportunity for people w/Asian language skills 


You there with the more-than-passing familiarity with Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Korean, or Arabic!

You want a job in the fast-paced world of making sure innocent people don't drive off a cliff? You wanna work at home, for a very queer-friendly liberal European company with flex hours and good benefits?

Are you an irksome pedant whose friends REALLY wish you would apply your gift for spotting fine logical and factual distinctions to something OTHER than their favorite TV shows?

Can you locate more than 20 or 30 different countries on a map without even breaking a sweat? Or did you at least play a lot of Risk as a kid and have a faint idea where stuff is?

Better yet, do you have a "useless" liberal arts degree that you'd like to turn into a reason for your jerkass engineer friends to be ENVIOUS of you for once? 😼

Let me know. My employers are hiring for our Asian language teams.

Martian State of the Imperium Address 

Not back exactly, but I am poking my head out from under the Imperial Martian Couch and sniffing around for treats. I could be lured. 😽

I'm not well or great, exactly, but I'm fine. Cats are currently safe, Peg is under the weather but fine, and I look poised for the best financial position I've ever been in, if I can just keep the world at bay for a few months.

Miss y'all. Just haven't felt like I've had much to share. Might put more random nonsense here, if only to spare poor Anthracite 😺

@Austin_Dern Don't even joke about that. 😾

(Heh. No, please do joke about it, I don't want people to EVER forget that this film is languishing somewhere. 110% of my ire over this is directed at the studio...)

@anthracite Sorry babe! I really really tried to hold my breath for the last three days, damn these weak Terran lungs! 😽

old blippy musik (cw: lovable bot-faced goofs <3 ) 

if i can see just ONE all-protogen dance troupe perform this at a furry con before i die, every other insult i have suffered at the hands of Terra shall be forgiven 😺

transphobia, maga bullshit (we're fine so far), very very etymologically questionable Greek 

Welp, I got a tip that Louisiana is well on the way to passing its own bathroom bill.

We're not too concerned yet. Even if this one manages to pass the inevitable court challenges, as I put it to my friend who warned me, New Orleans is basically Capetown during apartheid, or Casablanca during Vichy France. The typical citizen would pay not to have to give the faintest fuck about who's trans. Support will be negligible; resistance will be considerable.

Everybody here ALREADY hates Baton Rouge meddling with our lives, and the folks on Reddit are already murmuring "can has tax strike nao?" New Orleans frequently beats SEATTLE in LGBT support rankings, ffs. Hell, a good chunk of our economy comes from Hollywood, so we LITERALLY CAN NOT AFFORD to scare LGBT people away from here.

For as long as the French Quarter continues to have a good 3-4 LGBT flags *per block*, I think we're good and safe no matter what that fake-ass god-bothering Christofascist Jeff Landry thinks.

Molon LGBTabe, motherfucker.


@Momentrabbit @JulieSqveakaroo @Leviamicky

No. No. You take that back. You take that back right now, rabbit. Don't you do it! Don't you do it!

@spottyfox Oh, the candy store must be new! I last saw Cleveland in like 1999! The ring of museums around Wade Lagoon is spectacular though, in a very pretty setting!

How can we make it uncool to be awful again?

(I'm thinking specifically of the US, though it's sounding like the UK, Russia, and Israel could use any solutions we might come up with.)

@woozle I do have a whole lot of skepticism about whether our approach could really *scale* -- Encyclopedia Dramatica and Portal of Evil had some pretty heavy hitters and a Trolls From Olgino-grade grasp of gaslighting techniques, but they were never funded by ACTUAL KREMLIN MONEY. 🙀

And yet... I've been predicting since 2014 that the MAGAs would fall to infighting just like the trollfarms, and for exactly the same pathological reasons, and they've done nothing but prove me right so far... 🤔

@woozle I actually have some thoughts on this, based on how the furry community on Livejournal fended off attacks from trollfarms back in the 2000s.

One of our most successful strategies was crashing straight through our detractors' stereotypes of us. These people stick together in part because they've been lied to so much about what *we're* like. But they're SHIT at building their own empathetic communities and we bled quite a few folks off 'em on LJ by giving them our "better offer!"

Touching grass

This activity is overrated IMO

@spottyfox Cleveland... Ohio!?!? :D

J/k, there really is some great stuff there. What did you see?

re: *clears throat in American English* 


re: Truth Social stock 

@Chip_Unicorn I too have pondered necromancy.

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