I have now kicked someone out of my house. I would like anyone unsympathetic to me to please consider that my remaining housemate got this on video and that I didn't fight back. I do NOT like being punched in the face.
@Leucrotta I don't think anyone likes being punched in the face and what the fuck is wrong with your boss
@Chiaroscuro *hugs* It all blew up so fast, and I know I was furious before they actually hit me, so I'm pretty sure they set off some sort of trigger and I was (probably still am) dissociative.
@Leucrotta ... Holy fuck. First of all I'm so sorry, second of all are you alright? (given the circumstances, obviously)
@Thaminga I just did something personally abhorrent and got punched for the first time in a while and bleah, I feel real broken and garbagey and not safe to draw and all. The feeling's probably going to last a bit.
@Leucrotta *nods, and offers gentle hugs*
Don't feel ashamed for doing what you need to do.
@Thaminga apparently what I need to do is freak out on social media, and put dishes away.
@Leucrotta I heard through the grapevine. Shit, I'm sorry. *hug* I don't think anyone can expect you to be emotionally OK after that, but I hope you're at least physically OK. That's... that's a thing.
Sometime LONG, LONG after the dust has settled, I have a story about the person who hit you. It's not funny now, but it might be then. In the meantime... shit, hang in there. I am _definitely_ impressed by your reserve and self-control.
@zebratron2084 *hugs* It's okay. Emotional is going to be wobbly for a long time, but I think because they surprised me and that knocked me down, that soaked most of the force. I also uh, think they must've found a trigger where I dissociated to the extent that it didn't occur to me to fight back, so it's not like I'm being all that self-controlled.
Hope you're holding out okay down there!
@Leucrotta Shiiiiit. That's a hell of a thing. *hug* And yeah, I've been in that dissociative sinkhole too, you can probably guess when...
We're doing OKish! Peg's been tearing up a string of really weird commissions and it's been fun to watch. And I'm trying to formulate some ways to compromise with people on some of the political stuff. Probably going to try to de-stress by doing some serious cooking this weekend.
@Leucrotta Oh fuck. You were assaulted in your own home?! I'm so sorry!