@starryblush@witches.town @typhlosion @shoofle ...you just said what I was trying to compose, but better <3
@starkatt @shoofle @starryblush@witches.town well it's not paralyzing to the point that it's keeping me from even learning, because learning is very important to me! it's just tough to feel like i'm properly "getting into" it, i suppose - tough to know where to start, because jumping right in headfirst feels like it'd both be overwhelming and make me feel like i'm just pretending most of the time
@typhlosion @starryblush@witches.town @shoofle @starkatt congrats :) you're a postfurry!
@Fuego @typhlosion Seconded. ^.^
@typhlosion @Fuego Well, which build do you want to aim for, 'shiny service-bot', 'betentacled ocean-friend', or 'glowy rave-toy'?
@typhlosion @Fuego Well, that's okay, arguably pokefurs are postfurry BY DEFAULT, see part 3 of my seven-part medium thinkpiece on the subject.
@typhlosion @Fuego Hmm, that sounds like "doing postfurry" to me. ^.^