But I just don't seem to connect on the same level, and I don't know if I can.
I don't have a system, or a pantheon, or rituals of my own. And I don't feel right using someone elses without having the context or knowing all the pieces or getting all the lore.
There's just this huskybot who feels alone in her circuits sometimes who catches the back-scatter of lots of other signals being broadcasted but can't integrate the data.
@kelseyhusky I figure; like most everything else humanity does, there are a few people at extremes and a lot of people somewhere in the middle.
It’s possible you’re one of the few rigged for the extremes of rationality and WYSIWYG universe,
@kelseyhusky which is a perfectly ok way to be, but I suspect you’re one of the many in between people. It’s entirely possible that magic and spirituality haven’t yet been phrased in an accessible way.
My gut feeling here is, how you work as an engineer, and how you like seeing how stories unfold, share a similar logic and that you could really grok spirituality with *that* logic.
@kelseyhusky Hmm, there's gotta be a path for you! Maybe look for something on the border fence between "mysticism" and "rationalism?" I've seen some good stuff under the "neurotheology banner," or maybe something like John C. Lilly's "human bioprogramming" stuff, whose main focus is the mind/brain instead of some abstract force? Or some of Robert Anton Wilson's stuff? (I almost want to recommend some Laurie Anderson, too, but that's just me. n.n; )
@kelseyhusky That in and of itself can be a source of woo, dear one. *cuddles up with and smiles*
"Huskybots help their mawrs" can be (and is, in a sense) a form of woo. ^^