@typhlosion @catterfly I helped run SNAP 5 (simulcast as http://www.bayareanightgame.org/index.php/Bang_22_-_Mobius_Research) in Seattle and aided with the Amazon Intern Game for two years (Amazon Cloud Control and Amazon Yesterday); this stuff is candy to me. =n.n=
@literorrery @catterfly
''.join(map((lambda x:"boi"[-~x:(not x)<<1:((not x)<<1)-1]+''.join(chr(ord(c)+0x1d) for c in "EQI XUVXFODHWV"[x::2])),[0,not 0]))
@literorrery @typhlosion aaaaaaaaaa jfc i wish i could've partaken...... i love ciphers and args and web-based args....... i still tussle with The Dark Room every once in a while *shakes fist*