Opinion: the Magic: the Gathering color pie is a better system of categorizing personality than the MBTI is.
Here's a 4k word blog post about the colors, and the pairings of ally colors.
I think it misses a lot by not also discussing the pairings of "enemy" colors, which can be pretty dang interesting.
mtg color/mbti theory
@starkatt i appear to still be green/black and this soothes my golgari slytherin heart
My one-sentence summaries of the colors
@starkatt Huh, that clarifies things for me a lot, in terms of where I'd put myself.
Am curious if you'd hazard a guess for mine though too, if you think you know me well enough. :)
My one-sentence summaries of the colors
@indi I'd guess Green/Blue?
My one-sentence summaries of the colors
@starkatt That's my thought too yeah! Though there's a little bit of red in me too I think; Coyote and all. ;)
My one-sentence summaries of the colors
@starkatt Pretty sure I'm red/white. That would explain a lot :) Thank you.
My one-sentence summaries of the colors
@starkatt interesting! i'm probably white/blue/green
My one-sentence summaries of the colors
@starkatt apparently I'm white/green, which tracks with some of the favorite decks I've played.
My one-sentence summaries of the colors
@memnus Nice. I did in fact describe you as white/green to my partners earlier today : D
My one-sentence summaries of the colors
@starkatt hee hee hee am I so transparent? ☀️🌳
My one-sentence summaries of the colors
@memnus well, I'd just like to think I know you pretty well <3 <3
@starkatt omg this this this!
I'm green-white-blue, although I love playing as green-blue-black.
My one-sentence summaries of the colors
White: Always act with honor, prioritize stability, and enforce justice.
Green: Everything has its place. Grow and become the manifestation of your nature.
Red: Act swiftly and always follow your heart.
Black: Do what is necessary to reach your goals. Don't let aesthetic judgements stop you.
Blue: Knowledge, understanding, and planning allow you to achieve your fullest potential. Sculpt the world to you desires.
I'm White/Blue.