mood (-)
I won't mince words, I'm in a hell of a bleak mood this morning. Friends in despair, oral cancer screening this morning, deep cleaning later in the week, reminders of long-term money woes, lingering feeling that I should just walk away from all my social contacts to spare them from my brokenness, reminder after reminder that human cognition is a shitshow, utter blueballs on the political front waiting for Trump to actually suffer for anything...
Just, dammit. Freeze me like Fry.
mood (-)
@zebratron2084 If I find an empty bottle, wanna get sucked inside it with me and spend about 5,000 years in the genie equivalent of cryosleep? Cuz that sounds amazing right about now and I'd totally make room for you. ♥️
mood (-)
@Phorm Yes. Hell, yes.
mood (-)
What a coinkydink! I just happened to find these two teeny genie homes at the antiqve store!
mood (-)
@JulieSqveakaroo @zebratron2084 Dibs on the red one!
mood (-)
@zebratron2084 I think there’s just despair lodged in the subconscious these days. Being on a potentially dying planet ruled by people seemingly intent on making that “definitely,” with all sorts of new negativity daily, is a terrible background for any more personal stuff going on. Hopefully things will pick up soon. In the more immediate sense I hope the screening goes okay.
mood (-)
@zebratron2084 Keep us posted. We're useless, but persistent. 💜
mood (-)
@zebratron2084 I hope you don't push me away! I care about you despite any brokenness. I know that you don't do what you do because you want to and I get the sense you're working on yourself as much as you possibly can.
I'm always available if you need to talk to someone. I really do hope you find happiness and healing.
mood (-)
(On the other hand: dragon still warm and expresses disinterest in eating me; both Parallax casts still extremely gay; expecting a donut later. So life is, you know, sustainable here. :) )