squeaky on main 

Hhh flatten me and fold me uppp

Don't even need a reason just yank my nozzle open and squish me until I'm a deflated pile of vinyl!
May make squeaky protests at first but I love it really 💨💨💜

When I'm not full of squeaky air thoughts I think about really specific setting stuff.

Like I want to see someone draw in-ear earphones molded for different anthro species.
I think the differences in designs would look cool, plus solving the how do furries headphones question.

Gonna get a squeaky ref done sometime now that I'm permanently a pooltoy!

In the meantime, working on character design to prepare for it. No changes to colors or pattern or anything like that; just deciding how toy-like my body is gonna be and what specific features it's gonna have~

it's just so much fun ^w^


Just had my first dream (that I can remember) about being a blow-up doll uwu

Wasnt lucid, but it telt so amazing to have my achingly sensitive rubbery fucktubes teased and stretched~
Next time I hope I'm inanimate and can feel how it is to be just a lifeless object for my wonderful owners pleasure, stiff and inanimate for them to use and store carelessly after~

Truly the dream =w=

squeaky on main 

Inflatables having a favorite kind of pump to be filled by is SO CUTE

They would all feel so different, from the mechanical constancy if an electric pump, to the periodic pushing of a hand pump, to the personal warmth of being breathed into~

Bit obvious which is my favorite uwu

UX musing. 

@Thaminga @Taylor I also treat it this way. I don't always have the easiest time wording my appreciation for a thing, but I don't want to ignore things either so I do this as a middle ground.

@Icky I know I wouldn't mind! I think snouts is still not whitelisted by awoo for the moment, but hopefully that'll change soon!

tf on main 

I know I usually go on about inflatable or inanimate tf, but being a good rubber Drone is also A+++

But if I were to be suddenly turned into one, I'd definitely prefer to be one with absolutely no identity or free will, only mindless obedience and orders behind those blank gas-mask lenses!
That simplification on the inside appeals to me just as much as the nullification on the outside and really amplifies the experience for me!

tf thirst 

I love being a tf plaything tbh just tf me into whatever you want at that moment. Statue, toy, lewd toy, clothing, something disposable, literally anything i'm always thirsty for it =w=


@keva all of my want
that looks so good!

@DanQGoo@sleeping.town better not have a refrigerator in your place after 10p, that's 50 decibels
or need to speak because that's about 60
or use the toilet because that's 75

i suspect the person writing the noise ordinance didn't bother to consult a chart

squeaky on main 

Eon is 100% NULL! Not even a bulge on this toy, just smooth featureless vinyl! And apart from its nozzle it has no openings either! Its valve is extremely sensitive though, so give it a pinch and rub if you want to make the toy uselessly squirm and sqrk!~

hhh every teasing thing I post is a silent plea for somebody to do all of these things to me =w=

Drawing/Commission Post - Cartoony glowing goo eyes 

I'm doing these again! This time a month earlier so you all can have your icons sooner! 😍

I'm taking slots for September completion. Please visit the following link to request a slot as well as read more info! commiss.io/listings/OWR2

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