Gonna get a squeaky ref done sometime now that I'm permanently a pooltoy!
In the meantime, working on character design to prepare for it. No changes to colors or pattern or anything like that; just deciding how toy-like my body is gonna be and what specific features it's gonna have~
it's just so much fun ^w^
Just had my first dream (that I can remember) about being a blow-up doll uwu
Wasnt lucid, but it telt so amazing to have my achingly sensitive rubbery fucktubes teased and stretched~
Next time I hope I'm inanimate and can feel how it is to be just a lifeless object for my wonderful owners pleasure, stiff and inanimate for them to use and store carelessly after~
Truly the dream =w=
Pool Toy?
@aggrobadger agree
@Icky I know I wouldn't mind! I think snouts is still not whitelisted by awoo for the moment, but hopefully that'll change soon!
tf on main
I know I usually go on about inflatable or inanimate tf, but being a good rubber Drone is also A+++
But if I were to be suddenly turned into one, I'd definitely prefer to be one with absolutely no identity or free will, only mindless obedience and orders behind those blank gas-mask lenses!
That simplification on the inside appeals to me just as much as the nullification on the outside and really amplifies the experience for me!
@keva all of my want
that looks so good!
@Therian happy birth!!!
@SilverSukanku She a GOOD
Drawing/Commission Post - Cartoony glowing goo eyes
I'm doing these again! This time a month earlier so you all can have your icons sooner!
I'm taking slots for September completion. Please visit the following link to request a slot as well as read more info! https://commiss.io/listings/OWR2
tf on main
@Oneironott SO GOODD
One (1) inflatable otter toy | pool use only | store deflated | "it/toy" preferred/"he" okay | very gay | @SilverSukanku's squeaky toyfriend | icon by @ShinyHelix