@mossmeow Smolid.
@MindmeshLink the mastoverse fedible compatodon
@MindmeshLink i am curious to see the results, but we do not actually know the answer for our family--we have few memories of our childhood and definitely don't know specifics, but i know that whne we were real little our parents definitely weren't well-off
@MindmeshLink we've seen some of those!
@Kaffe world's biggest country that isn't russia
@heatherhorns squirrels are known for periodically exploding
@trysdyn What's the etymology of it? Seems an odd choice of word.
@trysdyn I would also like to know what that means, as we've never heard it before
@heatherhorns can you just turn off notifications on it?
@fieryzard could I ask what a BL is?
@niss would it be possible to request that you do something to signal that they're all the same link when you post things like this? it's not a huge problem but it's hard to tell you're not linking six different things that all happen to start with the same "cohost.org/candiedreptile/post..." prefix. probably harder for people on mobile too since you can't hover to see a link destination
re: Personal boundaries
@socks Hugs are also a thing people are particularly bad about.
@niss oh, "front" means like. this part in green, to me
sounds like you meant the part in red
(art credit: you. picture of a friend for demonstration's sake)
@niss like, the front legs are human too???
@niss ...what are they getting wrong?
@solarmerps that's not glitch, that's mainline mastodon afawk
awoo doesn't have it (it's on an older version of glitch) and plush.city has it (it's on vanilla mastodon)
@Kyresti The inevitable downfall of the united states, i suppose
ever since we started to understand politics and the state of the world (when things started *really* going south around 2015), it's been impossible for us to feel any sort of happiness for anything relating to this country
re: request for (strange, Linux related) tech support
@mouseless does that happen for any operating system or just one specific one? try going to an extreme: MS-DOS ought to be fine booting on less than 1 MB of RAM
@MindmeshLink the only one we know of that's not on your list is OpenMW, i think
@MindmeshLink is there a list of all of them somewhere? I'd love to see an openSOTS or something for instance, if that exists
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