A pretty good case study in stuff being confusing for newbies which is obvious to veterans: "What Games Are Like For Someone Who Doesn't Play Games" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ax7f3JZJHSw
20:37, manually captioned.
we can think of exacty one off the top of our heads (spoilers obviously):
Final Fantasy VI
Random... Instead of banning straws, we should ban balloons, especially the helium ones.
If you didn't know, helium is used for a variety of medical applications, like MRIs. We have limited supply and balloons account for about 7% of the use.
Balloons should cost $100 a pop, given the limited supply. Pun intended.
like you can't take an optical photograph of the transistors in a typical CPU, with *any* level of magnification, because they're about an order of magnitude smaller than the light you're using to take that photograph
@chr can i ask what on earth "spirit phone lyrics" means
Plural system of three, Felthry, Alaric and Rosemary. We'll sign posts with a -F, -A, or -R.
Autistic, 20-something, anxious mess
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