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(i did not miss a word there by the way. it did actually say our estimated wait time is "ten". not ten minutes or ten seconds just "ten")

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oh, and then we just got "you are caller number: 1. your estimated wait time is: 13 minutes"

how does this work

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on hold with a doctor's office

"you are caller number: 31. your estimated wait time is: four minutes"

about five minutes later: "you are caller number: 27. your estimated wait time is: two minutes"

about five more minutes later: "you are caller number: 1. your estimated wait time is: ten"


about five *more* minutes later:
(hold music and intermittent useless information about the radiology department continues)

can someone explain what "quiet quitting" is and why we're seeing a lot of people mention it suddenly?

fun fact, mention of severe burns 

fun chemistry fact: when working with concentrated (70%) or fuming (near-pure) nitric acid, it's generally recommended *not* to wear gloves, not because the nitric acid is safe (it's very much not), but because common lab gloves make it *so much worse*

nitric acid at these concentrations will react very violently with both latex and nitrile, setting your gloves on fire. This is not good for your hands.

It will also react very quickly with skin and cause chemical burns in short order but nowhere near as bad as the burns you'd get from your gloves being literally on fire

i'm not sure if you can get any gloves that are resistant to fuming nitric acid, but i'm pretty sure neoprene can withstand small amounts of concentrated nitric acid. so that might be better than nothing

"electrowinning" does not sound like the name of an industrial process, but it is in fact the name of an industrial process

why *do* video games so often have characters constantly walking in place, anyway?

Identity-play stuff This picture (and the other one linked in its description) by @Austin_Dern, along with some other stuff, had me thinking

A world of identity-less people like that, but where an identity is something you can buy for like $10 and wear like a t-shirt, different ones each day

not everyone wears one, and not all the time, but they can just put on an identity they like

of course first-person pronouns can only be used while wearing one, but you'd also use first-person pronouns for another being wearing the same identity

Unsure whether wearing an identity would make you look any different, or if you'd still be visually the same faceless, featureless being, just one with an identity. maybe you could go either way

it might just be selection bias but we can't think of a single squaresoft game from that time period that was just straight up Bad

or even mediocre, really. they were all pretty good

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pictured: how to know an 80s - 90s video game will be Pretty Good

Boktai is a neat series

have you ever wanted to play metal gear solid, but it's a post-apocalyptic spaghetti western with vampires?

also have realized that maybe we shouldn't be so always-online

taking a break from being online has been good for our mental health, i think

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we are back from travelling

that was too much airplane

we are leaving in a couple hours to go visit family and won't be very here for a week

worried about flights being a Lot

we are Travelling tomorrow and it's stressful

speaking of which, we won't be very available next week until friday

though reportedly, while they perform well on current games, their performance on older games leaves something to be desired? which, i'm not sure how that happens, but if it's a significant problem we won't be getting one when we next need a gpu (hopefully not soon anyway)

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apparently Intel released their first desktop GPUs like a week ago, and it looks like the higher-end ones are coming out soon

what's particularly interesting is the price point--it looks like their gpu that's competitive performance-wise with nvidia's rtx3060 is slated to be around $400


it was one of the indented-cartridge games, the ones that would play on an original game boy too

but still, it's a gbc game that came out before the gbc

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