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wait wait

the person who named the helicopter being launched to mars is from northport

that's like a fifteen minute drive from where we live

what a weird coincidence

what on earth does this weird stock image have to do with this caption (cw: eye contact behind sunglasses)

they should make a movie where like twenty major characters are all played by the same actor, green-screened into their own previous performances

what is it with Sony and center-negative barrel jacks

i want to do more stuff with aditi

multibody aside, being bigender is a neat concept to play with and i really do want to explore that area of genderspace more

the Hearth :ms_agender_flag: boosted

blm-adj, uspol, papol 

"Combined Tactical Systems, the leading tear gas manufacturer, makes its teargas at their Jamestown plant:

388 Kinsman Rd.
Jamestown, PA 16134 "

"A time-honored protest tactic is to stand along the main road to the manufacturing plant with huge photos of the grotesque injuries caused by these munitions."

looking it up all we can find is that the actual official standard (which most records deviated from because it was standardized after they were already in production) was 78.26 rpm for the simple reason that that was the speed a common 3600 rpm motor (the speed of a synchronous motor on 60 Hz AC) would give you with a cheap and common 46:1 gearing

but they could have gotten an even 80 if they'd just used a 45:1 gearing so why didn't they

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why were 78 rpm records recorded at 78 rpm anyway, why not a round number like 80 or something?

honestly magnetic materials are fascinating

there's that meme of like "magnets, how do they work" and yeah it's really hard to understand how they work

but when you do, even if you just understand how B, H, and M interact, it's really neat

especially the kinds of engineering people have done, stuff like powder cores and ferrites and magnetic tape and hard drives and FeNdB and SmCo magnets,

uspol, mail, minor - 

worried a bit that the attacks on usps are working

our family mailed us a birthday present and it was supposed to get here yesterday, on our birthday, but it got delayed because everything's getting delayed right now due to lack of funding

our sister commented on how unreliable USPS is when she learned of this and i feel like it's just... people don't know that USPS is underfunded right now and they especially don't know that that's part of an active attack on public services by the current government

why are FM radio stations always on odd-numbered frequency bands, anyway? is that a worldwide thing or just a US thing?

Question for other engineering folk here (who have jobs), since we're looking for a job...

How much money do you make, and how many hours per week do you typically work? And do you consider that a fair amount to be paid, or do you think you're overpaid or underpaid? I'm wondering if our lack of luck finding any part-time jobs is due to covid or because part-time engineering jobs are just basically nonexistent

when was the james webb space telescope due to launch again? Was it this year?

we're starting to feel a bit less constant despair over job prospects... largely because we're starting to consider full-time jobs too even if that's not ideal

maybe we could negotiate shorter hours after getting one

or maybe we'll end up finding it's not that bad after all, but i doubt that

but asking it that way is a little silly and doesn't show what the actual connection between the things are

if we just asked someone if they're more familiar with linguistics, chemistry, or beer, i think a lot of people would wonder why the hell we were asking that question

...why the hell *are* we asking that question anyway

sometimes i just want to make a poll

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honestly this is kind of just asking "are you more familiar with the history of linguistics, linguistics itself, chemistry, or beer"

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