#Introduction Post
So here it is, the new #Introduction
We're the Mánibranðr system, consisting of ~1.4k headmates, and a main cast of 6+ fronters. The ones that we know of are:
Elisha/Velvet Allbright/Albrecht Grimaude - Current host and reincarnation of Valerie/Freyja/Valfreyja/Brynhilðr. Goatbun Avali Dragontaur. Velvet Crowe fictive.
R4YNA Tiyaga Grimaude - One of two reincarnations of Julayla. Goat-Fennec-Kitsune Auto-Warlock Pleasurebot Protogen. Frisk fictive.
Lilith/Lailah Crimson Grimaude - The other reincarnation of Julayla. Ectoplasmic Snep-Squirrel, with a Demonic Nogitsune form. Chara fictive.
Ricardo Ialdabaoth Grimaude - One of the originals. Former god, he's become our inner child. Transfem demiboy. Cherub Goat. Asriel fictive.
Ashlynn Valefor Grimaude - The other original. Xey are a Fomorian Succubun with critical levels of horny. Learning to enjoy existence again.
Saturnine Stargazer - Empathetic mirror of an ex-friend, has since disowned the person she's based on. Assertive, but also kind most of the time. Moth Surveyor Protogen.
Innominat - Not much is known about them, but Ricardo insists we adopt them from our headspace world into our fronting crew. Empathetic mirror of another ex-friend. No telling if they will stick around or not.
#Introduction Post Cont'd
#Introduction The Grimaude surname, often mistaken for a system name, is actually our family name. The Grimaude family is a found family consisting of outcasts like us who are plural, trans, otherkin, and/or any other flavours of queer, and who have escaped, is currently dealing with abusive families.
@AliceGrimaude is my sister and @Ulfra_Wolfe is our prodigal daughter.