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The 2020s are going to be defined (and have been defined) by isolation. For me, you, and everyone else-- except the people who just don't care.

Not caring is always an easy way to get through the day, but it makes me sick to my stomach, so I won't live that sort of life.

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The reality of the internet is that minorities who are not welcome in public spaces are now being pushed out of the pseudo-public online-spaces that defined the minority communities of the 2000s and the 2010s

re: ethics discussion 

@FreyaManibrandr I forgot the (cont.)!

Anyways, at present there aren't any minds we can communicate well with. Folks have been able to communicate with a few animals and their minds are different enough that they can't understand the concepts we might be able to teach, and become better able to understand and communicate more from learning. Or so my understanding goes, anyways.

It seems inevitable, however, that humans will diverge into seperate species or races, (cont.)

re: ethics discussion 

@FreyaManibrandr Thanks for sticking with me so far!

When I asked about definitions of harm, the idea was to think about it from the perspective of someone who would know what harm is and that they're being harmed. Many animals respond to something we'd consider pain, but don't understand the harm apart from their diminished capabilities. When death comes for them, they might understand it's possible, having seen others die, but not know how it works. Some animals do.

re: ethics discussion 

@FreyaManibrandr The point where it becomes important if something is alive is more when it has a will to resist, understanding to know there's something TO resist, and the capability to stop someone, or get someone else to stop them.

A gorilla might be territorial, but it doesn't own property, or know what that is. It won't take you to court. But it also thinks and feels in ways we might relate to, but are still alien to our own minds. (cont.)

re: ethics discussion 

@FreyaManibrandr Stars may or may not be alive in a sense, but they don't really do much besides physical reactions of their constituent particles, as far as I know.

Many animals on Earth are in some way 'intelligent' but have minds distinctly different from humans, and nothing but humans gets human rights from humans regardless of capability or intelligence, though they may get better treatment. (cont.)

re: ethics discussion 

@FreyaManibrandr The individual cells that make up your body aren't even all connected. Blood is a liquid, but part of your body, and each blood cell contains your whole genetic code. Each cell also contains a Mitochondria, with its own genetic code.

And all of them are made up of arrangements of the same particles as every bit of non-living matter. In a sense, you could say the universe is alive because parts of it (like us) are alive. (cont.)

First sona - Jasper the Chimera Bunny!

Pronouns: It/Its, They/ Them, He/ Him

Jasper has a special interest in ice and works as a glaciologist, studying glaciers. As a result of weird wibbly wobbly circumstances , they found an enchanted glacier during their job that gave him ice powers.

Fedi Meta 

Once you're over the honeymoon with the fediverse, I'd like to remind y'all to stay vigilant. We still have a problem with anti-blackness and communal narcissism in here, and we shouldn't become complacent just because we are among queer folks.

This space is still pretty hwite, and there's a lot of work to do to decolonize.

I recently fled long-term domestic abuse and I've been struggling a lot to adapt to my situation. As a result, I have no money to buy food and medications and I'm about £200 overdue on various bills. Please help if you can, please boost if you can!



Fedi culture meta 

I've been posting a lot about Mastodon in the last days. Fact is, we're creating it together. Old users AND new.

My goal is to make the new users aware that we old users are often here because we HAD to switch away from the overload and hate of corporate social media, seeking the relative quietness and seclusion of the Fediverse. Many of us fear that if the climate here changes for the worse, we'll have to leave again.

It's about being inclusive. To old AND new users.

fediverse vs birdsite 

So far today, getting much more interaction from 100 followers on Masto than 1500 followers on Twitter...


Sephira Tale - Hunt or be Hunted | Decisive Battle 1 (Beepbox mix)

I've seen a few people speculate that if Twitter doesn't survive the Great Muskening, it could be bad news for a lot of litmags (particularly the online-only ones). As well as the mags themselves finding new online spaces, I think all of us writers should try and support them wherever we can.

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I'm currently running a request-to-join fediverse relay at - if you're a furry instance admin, please consider adding it, as it will greatly help smaller instances!

If you would like to add your instance to the relay, let me know, and I'll add your instance domain to the allowlist. Then, add your software's corresponding URL.

I will keep maintaining this relay for the foreseeable. Reach out to me with your instance, and I will add it to the allowlist so you can connect!

I just can't trust anyone who claims they know how the world should be run

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one of the defining characteristics of white Supremacy is One Right Way thinking

an uncomfortable amount of leftists of all labels are really heavy handed on how everyone must conform to their ideology Or Else

"Mastodon admins can read your DMs!"

Twitter reads every DM you send. Every DM you send is run through their abuse filters and data aggregators.

If you don't trip some alarm your text is likely anonymized and shoved in some data farm for datasci purposes-- but if you do, your DM history might get flipped to some staffer to peruse for what they constitute "Abuse"

Twitter reads your DMs dozens, hundreds, or thousands of times.

If you ever find yourself thinking you're making bad tech decisions, remember that the music industry turned down Napster's offer of $1,000,000,000 for not killing them, plus royalties going forward, plus metadata the industry would still kill their own children to have today, plus a lock on digital music downloads likely stronger than Amazon has ever had or will ever have on ebooks. All on the theory that killing Napster would lock the file sharing genie back in its lamp.

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Awoo Space is a Mastodon instance where members can rely on a team of moderators to help resolve conflict, and limits federation with other instances using a specific access list to minimize abuse.

While mature content is allowed here, we strongly believe in being able to choose to engage with content on your own terms, so please make sure to put mature and potentially sensitive content behind the CW feature with enough description that people know what it's about.

Before signing up, please read our community guidelines. While it's a very broad swath of topics it covers, please do your best! We believe that as long as you're putting forth genuine effort to limit harm you might cause – even if you haven't read the document – you'll be okay!