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PCOS, intersex, body stuff talk, fatphobia / fatness, transphobia, medical 

not everybody accepts PCOS as intersex. but there is a lot of intersectional community online, fat activists, body activists, queer activists, where PCOS is an explicit part of the community. and honestly, why would it not be? it's a variation just like other intersex conditions. but with how common it is, it would seriously threaten the authority of the sex binary. that's EXACTLY why we should push for it even more (6/7)

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PCOS, intersex, body stuff talk, fatphobia / fatness, transphobia, medical 

I kept thinking "maybe I'm intersex, it would explain everything" I didn't feel cis, often I wasn't treated as cis. but intersex was always a medical label I couldn't claim because I wasn't diagnosed. I identified as bigender, genderqueer, nonbinary, trans - nothing was right. until I was diagnosed with PCOS and found community online. (5/?)

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PCOS, intersex, body stuff talk, fatphobia / fatness, transphobia, medical 

so where does that leave us?
essentially, we're told our bodies are cis / afab bodies and we don't have variation, just illness. we're told that all these symptoms are not natural to how our bodies work, but a disease we need to fight. so we hate these things about ourselves, we're confused, we're excluded. I struggled with my gender for so long (4/?)

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PCOS, intersex, body stuff talk, fatphobia / fatness, transphobia, medical 

if you're not a woman, it's often confusing in a different way. PCOS symptoms are often seen as "not really intersex", mostly (let's be honest) cause they're too common. either way, puberty is often different for those of us with PCOS. my voice dropped, I was rly muscly, body hair, etc, menstruation was a mess. but you're always told you're cis, or afab, even when you have all these experiences that say otherwise (3/?)

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PCOS, intersex, body stuff talk, fatphobia / fatness, transphobia, medical 

I've been reading more and more about people's experiences and it's helped to contextualize my own experience so much better. PCOS symptoms are often connected to socially "undesirable" things, body hair, skin discoloration, fatness, etc etc. additionally, if you are a woman, it comes with symptoms that often make others discredit your femininity, but it's rarely considered (2/?)

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PCOS, intersex, body stuff talk, fatphobia / fatness, medical 

I've recently learned a lot more about PCOS and my body, specifically how it intersects with fatphobia and honestly how the medical community doesn't really give a shit about it past "can the uterus make a baby though" and "it's bc ur fat / ur fat bc of it" so it's mostly like ... u should lose weight. but honestly what we talk about not enough is how PCOS is an intersex condition and what that means for us socially.

Gender breakthrough 

Well, once it's all laid out in front of me, it's become a lot clearer, the hang up about the question is due to emotional baggage from developing coping methods.

Once I realized this, I am ready to say that I am at least slightly non-binary.

And it feels good.

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Gender feels hour 

Why do I keep asking myself if I am NB? I always come up with the answer of "no" However, the fact that this question keep getting asked is giving me more and more moments of pause.

have to wonder how much of dipping into NB territory in the past, what with identifying as agender in my early teens due to depersonalization, or going into theymode before being able to transition in order to avoid presenting as male, but also being able to get away with ambiguity has to do with coping, or if there is something more to it.

Everytime I ask that question to myself, I keep getting a "no" but I feel that maybe there is a lot of emotional baggage associated with that that I have to sort out first before exploring it.

For some reason, this is bothering me, like a lot.

I am going to have to confront this sooner or later, I can't keep quiet about this uncertainty anymore.

Gender feels hour 

Why do I keep asking myself if I am NB? I always come up with the answer of "no" However, the fact that this question keep getting asked is giving me more and more moments of pause.

have to wonder how much of dipping into NB territory in the past, what with identifying as agender in my early teens due to depersonalization, or going into theymode before being able to transition in order to avoid presenting as male, but also being able to get away with ambiguity has to do with coping, or if there is something more to it.

Everytime I ask that question to myself, I keep getting a "no" but I feel that maybe there is a lot of emotional baggage associated with that that I have to sort out first before exploring it.

For some reason, this is bothering me, like a lot.

I am going to have to confront this sooner or later, I can't keep quiet about this uncertainty anymore.

In the guise of "law and order," this is an excellent tool to crush dissent.

India leads the world in web shutdowns (not just a firewall over foreign SM, but keeping Weibo active at all times, like China.) And on another note, for a country that prides itself on "Software," where are the Hindi Weibos?


One synth challenge to myself, composed, written and produced in a day. Also, practice recording with a keyboard.

Fitness, selfie, eye contact 


Dog park dog park dog park

I have a hard time explaining this to people. Even my therapist
RT @therichiewhite
I don't know how I didn't see this in myself until now

Young black woman who found out she's at least a few weeks pregnant is in need of trying to get an abortion soon before the deadline which is about 6 weeks.
The cost of one in the states of North Carolina/ Georgia is $700.
She's passed the South Carolina deadline but she can make it to either NC or Georgia to get one.
Please donate &/or share please!
Cashapp tag:

Fediverse, TERFs, birdsite, block rec 

Graham Linehan has set up his own fedi server, because people are making TERF hate speech so unwelcome on twitter. It's

Remember this if you see "glindr" popping up, and block accordingly

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