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Pronouns and gender assumptions 

I see and hear assumptions about pronouns and gender constantly and it's exhausting

People will be like "they use both male and female pronouns"

Oh this person isn't as nonbinary because they use she/they or he/they pronouns or whatever

Or assuming people are cis because of their pronouns

They are separate things! And don't even work the same way in different languages

Folks of all genders have their own reasons for what pronouns they use

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Furry Art, EC 

Reminder that representation matters. It doesn't matter if there are "too many nonbinary/trans folk" in your story/game. It's your story and your game, and you get to decide these things, not them. Those who complain about queerbaiting do so with the goal of erasing queer folk from media, and we must do our part to fight it tooth and nail. <3

re: social importance of imagination and games 

@FreyaManibrandr Absolutely. Being free to jettison the normative expectations of the "real world" lets us discover *actual truth* which is, of course, terrifying to those with a vested interest in trying to exert control.

A huge part of my own egg-cracking journey was realizing that every single game I ever felt emotionally invested in, I played a female character, without exception.

At one point I did a speed-run of a game to unlock the only female playable character offered, and *then* actually went through and played properly (and wound up loving it for years).

Which is, in large part, why I think representation issues in games are so bitterly fought over. The more people who can find our truths through play, the less the lies about "real life" can continue to hold sway.

social importance of imagination and games 

I believe that games can provide a desperately-needed release mechanism for something humans fundamentally need, but which society typically harshly disincentivizes.

For many (most?) people, reality does not permit self-definition or self-determination.

You are allowed to *pretend* to do those things, but only if you conform "enough" to certain demands.

So we imagine, and create games that let us *be* - but not just a fixed identity. Games give us a chance to have experiences that are not safely accessible in real life.

And role play - the literal, fundamental act of trying out the experience of being someone different - is our single most powerful avenue for discovering, defining, and refining "selves."

If we are fortunate, the lessons learned can fuel back into "real life." And yet the very freedom to self-determine is so *threatening* to the established systems of oppression that we are told, over and over, that "escapism" and "fantasy" are to be shunned. Grown ups don't play, grown ups have lives and pay bills. Keep that silly video game habit to a minimum.

Even gaming "culture" is now thoroughly polluted with people perpetuating this toxicity.

The dark secret is that the oppressive system is rigged to *keep* the power of fantasy locked out of "real life."

Life is, in fact, a game. It's the kind of game we can all win if we work together.

Play it as yourself.

she loves her trans girl friends and wanted to be just like them, and now she is!

ruby lives in a nice space city with her girlfriends, a trans girl and another cis girl like her. they love each other a bunch!

#art #furry #scifi #okanverse

I hate that I keep running into her and accidentally interacting with her posts. I want nothing to do with her, ever. Not after what she did to hurt me and my GF.

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Oh god fucking dammit, another account belong to my girlfriend's ex.

@pootsan @FreyaManibrandr I'm fully on team normalize functional pockets and bags.

Normalize clothing and accessory choices for everyone based on their needs and wants.

@pootsan @FreyaManibrandr I love my purse. It carries notebooks and I can fit groceries in the bigger one. I have a giant wallet that fits a checkbook.

I like being able to feel my keys on my person or I start to look for them. I assume I've lost them if I can't feel them.

I just want pockets and not to feel objectified in basic clothing while also having it fit my body comfortably.

I am once again asking for your financial aid.

My commission queue is empty, so if anyone is interested in hiring my services, now's a good time to.

who called them "sex toys" when "nutlery" was right there

As it turns out His Hheme is a great song to practice keyboard with.

I am once again asking for your financial aid.

My commission queue is empty, so if anyone is interested in hiring my services, now's a good time to.

Hello fedi, it's been a while. I had been dealing with moving and moving stress. I am at the new place now. I have been missing you all, much love <3

Seeking financial aid, birdsite link. 

So my girlfriend has been dealing with a lot of health-related crap lately, and any funds to cover the cost of future potential medical visits, self-care supplies, food and drink will be greatly appreciated. Details :

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