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pol (+) 

Hell of a thing, watching Adam Schiff stand defiant and hold his own against the Murdoch disinfo machine.

Also called my own rep, Adam Smith, to thank him for blocking misappropriations for the wall.

It’s good to finally have representation with both power and a spine.

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dnd partay reptiles

practicing color and composition, and actually adding backgrounds, to things

active noise cancellation question 

So I’m wrapping up a trip for work, and I had a strange query for folks that travel, especially to the Bay Area.

This trip, I’ve noticed that multiple indoor spaces (my hotel, restaurants, the office building for my employer) now have omnipresent low frequency noise generation. It’s audible to me because my hearing dips in the low range, and noise levels in these closed spaces have notably been reduced.

Is building-scale active noise cancellation now a thing?

mh (+), with mild vent 

I guess I’d been kind of cynical about how things I do are seen by others, given how other people controlling the narrative seems to... be a thing. I guess I finally found a way to work around people reactive to controlled narratives and keep being me, which helps more than I think I knew.

Wish I still had faith in disinfo not dominating the process, but I’ll settle for “I can work within this framework and minimize my exposure.”

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mh (+) 

Haven’t posted much here, but I’ve been doing mostly better.

Something internally shifted that I’ll want to talk about at some point, loosely corresponding to no longer holding myself to arbitrary constraints from others. I’m not sure why, but talking about and reflecting on my own narrative helped.

As did spending time making things again, which apparently I hadn’t done in awhile? Being a builder and storyteller just seems to be my thing, for some reason.

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Reply to this with your current favorite weird nature fact!

Today I learned that sharks don't have a true upper jaw/maxilla; instead they have a bar of cartilage that's not fused to the rest of the skull.

pol-adjacent, mildly ranty 

The social media presidency has been a valuable lesson in how lies are laundered and sold as truths to orgs that otherwise know better.

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pol-adjacent, mildly ranty 

Seeing headlines run this morning confusing Barr’s letter as total exoneration, which... it... doesn’t... say? It’s as charitable a read of a document we haven’t yet seen as possible, and its purpose was to set a preferred narrative.

Not that the distinction between “no evidence” and “not enough evidence to prosecute matters”, or knowing where things fall between them matters to the health of democracy, or anything. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Update: Baba's 'time' component is a signed integer and thus can be underflowed by playing.... 4,083 years.

accidentally profound idiom I came up with during work 

At scale, search is indistinguishable from social engineering.

... huh.

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Now that i'm settled in back home, check out this amazing commission I got from Royalty at FE!

That Satisfactory game 

... is really good. I get a definite Subnautica vibe from it, and I've stopped and gasped at the scenery several times now.

It's also letting me build sustainably without messing too much with the game's (very, very, very pretty) ecosystem, which I was hoping for and greatly appreciate.

re: satisfactory, videogames, real recycling and solarpunk projects 

I play a lot of games that focus on optimizing resource harvesting/extraction. Lately, I've been much more interested in "builds that take just enough" and give back to the simulation than builds that optimize on maximum strip mining rates.

I guess it's a good way to tinker with how these builds might work in practice -- and I kind of translate it into real projects around the house here, including our solar panel, 3D print, and plant projects.

I guess I never mentioned that we now have the ability to recycle plastics entirely on our own here at home, powered by the sun. I should document that sometime.

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satisfactory, videogames 

This looks like a game I will play, but I'm not digging the "strip mine the planet for resources" aesthetic promoted by the trailer:

I think I'm going to use it to simulate solarpunk and augmented/hybridized nature builds to see how those pan out.

things I've been doing, videogames 

Last month was house repairs, houseguests, and snowpocalpyse parts one and two. This month is travel, in which I'll be flying out to the mothership for $JOB tomorrow. Between both of these have been cooperative and builder videogames to manage stress, which seems to be a usual pattern for me.

I will never stop having the urge to build and create, even when circumstances feel demanding or doomful. In a way, it's comforting. I need to figure out how to share more of that here again, at some indeterminate time when I have enough spoons again.

mh, affirmation 

Doing my best to keep it together while the world seems much too scary. It isn’t much, but it’s something.

Keep warm out there. It’s cold and stormy and gray right now. Share the warmth, if you can.

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@andrhia mastodon has the same feature btw. It’s usually less bad here, because of content warnings, but I figured I’d throw that out there anyway, in case its useful to anyone

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I just put a week-long Twitter mute on certain breaking news keywords in the interests of remaining a functional human

Did you know this is a thing you can do if you need to?

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