Le Funk Est Trop Pur!
why does this exist https://soundcloud.com/soundmgmtmusicgroup/smash-mouth-under-pressure
Hi friends!! I'm excited to announce the link for voting!! OH BOY
I wrote about @squinky's latest videogame “Dominique Pamplemousse & Dominique Pamplemousse in Combinatorial Explosion!” and about the cis gaze and how it affects nonbinary people, videogame genre-bendiness, and interviewed Squinky about their enormous programming, musical, narrative and videogame-making talent. Check it out and share if you like! #videogames #altgames #nonbinary
https://gersande.com/blog/a-tale-of-two-dominique-pamplemousses/ https://mastodon.social/media/XNKe0I8GG3Jwj8UtUKU
"don't read this" meme in 1992 book (from the backers' blog for https://unbound.com/books/macgaming) https://mastodon.social/media/xFGW4MOCJKLwh_iYHio
I was feeling extremely lazy earlier so I ate my ramen in solid block form. When that was taken care of, I had a sudden urge to open the seasoning packet and eat the power directly.
In a moment of weakness, I tore open a corner to sup at its saltiness, but before I could damn myself, the smoke detector in the hall spontaneously fired off. I ran out to check the kitchen, but there was nothing wrong.
I took it as a sign from the universe and threw out the packet
Friends, cats and other mastodon users - are you ready and willing to do some SCIENCE?
I am asking because I have made this survey about the difference between being on Twitter and being on Mastodon, and would appreciate you taking three minutes of your time to fill it out
Thank you for reading. May good things come your way
Do you enjoy this contest? Do you want to help see our staff get paid for their work and get more official awoo.space art? Consider contributing to the awoo.space patreon!
All our money went to @kyra last month. Very happy to pay her for her work!
[current mood] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UL6ukglbO0
remember how I mentioned "kobold using a snake as a sexy accessory"
http://xain-russell.deviantart.com/art/Greezle-the-Green-681212374 https://awoo.space/media/Ws_i2H28cj2ARnf3b0Y
@bizbot May I have a job?
Your friendly neighbourhood enby